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Processed with VSCO with e2 preset

4 best flowers to plant underneath your fruit trees

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: summer spirit

Home & Living

Creative Beka Hope on learning a new art form

Craft & DIY

Become a pro at dyeing your own Easter eggs with these 5 simple tips


This expert shares her tips for growing a potager kitchen garden

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: mid muse

Colourful paper stars against a blue background
Craft & DIY

Celebrate Matariki with the whole whānau with these fun activities

Home & Living

This artist’s seaside home is the ultimate inspiration


Plant of the month: Why every garden should grow coriander

Craft & DIY

How to make your own colourful clay labels for your herb garden

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: expert eye


How to make your own colourful plant pots and timber frames

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: modern magic

Homes & Interiors

Looking to adopt a pooch? Here are 8 things to consider first

Terracotta wall vases hanging on purple wall
Craft & DIY

How to make your own wall-mounted terracotta vases

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: boho beauty

Child making miniature garden in little pot
Craft & DIY

Fun garden crafts to keep kids entertained these school holidays

Craft & DIY

How to make a frozen flower bowl

Design Inspiration

This Auckland hotel is basically an art gallery

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: coastal chic

The Warehouse Living & Co comforter set, $35
Home & Living

Create a stylish homework desk with this budget-friendly shopping guide

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: Airy theory

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: creative life

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: cool & breezy

Design Inspiration

Swipe the style: classic cool

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