You know the mantra “Wear clothes that make you feel good”? I’m not sure how simple threads impart beneficial wellbeing vibes but I do know that trying to work out in advance how an outfit is meant to make me feel while being on holiday is high stress. I’d love to be the kind of person that flings items carelessly into an open suitcase. Happy go lucky. Call me superficial but I do know that wearing the wrong rags can ruin a perfect sunset.
We caught a ferry down to Waiheke island for the quintessential kiwi bach holiday complete with a bag packed with the perfect combos for lazy days. Sans shoes, sans bra, sans complicated closures (bar anything other than a tie or a single button). Clothes you can climb into and exit with less effort. Relaxed trousers, strapless dresses and backless tops. A tropical print dress and the sweetest pyjamas to lounge in. Feel good outfits that have only summer intentions.
Happy holidays.