
BBQ Salmon With Green Rocket Sauce

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24 January 2023

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Salmon loves the barbecue, and served with a zingy, peppery green sauce, it’s just the best!

300g salmon, cut into 2 pieces
1 lemon, halved
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
Handful of flat beans, brushed with oil 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted.

Green Herb & Bread Sauce

2 slices sourdough or ciabatta, crusts removed
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar, plus extra if needed
1&1⁄2 cups rocket leaves
1& 1⁄2 cup quality olive oil
1 small garlic clove Salt to season


1 In a food processor, blitz all the sauce ingredients to a chunky consistency. Leave to sit for 10 minutes while you cook the salmon – this also allows the flavours to develop. After the sauce has sat, taste it and add salt as needed – and extra vinegar if it needs more sharpness.
2 Heat barbecue to medium. Sprinkle skin of salmon with salt. Cook salmon, non-skin-side down, to get some colour on it, then flip it and finish cooking. (A piece of baking paper on the barbecue plate helps to prevent fish from sticking.)
3 As the salmon cooks, add the oiled flat beans to the grill and cook until blistered. Do the same with the lemon halves until they’re coloured and juicy.
4 Serve salmon and beans scattered with pine nuts and drizzled with warmed lemon juice, with the green sauce on the side. Yum!

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