Your Monthly Meditation & Energy Forecast with Soul 33’s Gaia Chinniah: December

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29 November 2022

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to be able to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.

Week 1: Transitionary Week – November 28-December 4

We make a transition from November to December this week, which brings up a transition for us to examine – time for new perspectives especially around work, business and wealth. You may be wanting to figure out how you can work smarter and that will require some perspective shifts and letting go of the idea that work needs to be hard. Your work may need delegation to other people, it may need consideration on how to work smarter and not harder. Where do you need help?

If you have clients or in an employment situation; You may need to ask if you have been loyal to the right people with your time and efforts; being honest with yourself of which way to go will be key this week. Perhaps it’s time to step out on your own or the other way where you want to go back to the stability of employment. If you are looking for a new opportunity this would be the week to investigate it.

You might require some down time where you can get it to be able to ask yourself what matters to you the most? This week will be a real point of growth for positive change to give yourself the security you need; that you have enough, earn enough and are doing it for the greatest good and for those who value you. A question to ask yourself is what is your service to your higher purpose? If you are a parent for example your work may be to support and nurture your children.

Card of the week: WISDOM
This card comes to remind you to see things as they are and what needs to be done in order to know what you want. Use your wisdom to direct yourself to what needs to be done for a better quality of life.

Week 2: December 5-11

Do not over think this week. You may be given an opportunity of some kind and you are being reminded to not over think it but wait for all the information you need before making a decision and saying yes. This might be an opportunity to put your skills and your desires to the test. Sometimes you may have the skills but no longer the desire to do the same thing anymore. You will also be given some choices in love! This may mean making decisions with your partner or a few offers of potentials that you are deciding on. What does love mean to you? How important is it in your life?

Frustration, anger or resentment may come up. This could be around not feeling appreciated and the feeling of lack of time to experience love but try to be in the flow and get yourself outside to connect with nature for a walk, swim or simply sit in the garden. This is never a waste of time but to allow the energy to review your choices and values and decide which opportunity you want to take.

You will have more information for decision making and the choices you are given are to remind you that you are infinitely supplied for. Feelings of anger are a great motivator for inciting strength and making changes.

Full Moon – December 8

The final full moon of 2022 where we can release long standing frustrations and anger that has been holding us back. You can release the energy of situations where you have not been able to express your feelings and find alignment between what you are thinking and feeling.

Card Of The Week: Strength
This card comes up for you this week to remind you that you are strong and you have the inner strength to make decisions that may not be the easiest choice but are the ones with the best pay off.

Week 3: December 12-18

This a wonderful week for energising yourself with passion for inspired action. What are you passionate about? The opportunities that have been presented in the previous week will be opening a new door and luck is on your side! This week brings the beginning of a new cycle, so be sure you are feeling supported by those around you. Cycles allow you to end things and start again. Financially there is opportunity coming up this week for long term gain. If you are wanting to invest in something, this would be a good week to do that.

Release judgement of yourself or anyone that you are interacting with, especially if you are meeting them for the first time. Get a sense of why they are the way they are and respond to them in a productive way. Everyone teaches us something – ask yourself what is this person teaching me?

Tune into your body and what it needs from you. When there is energy, use it and when there isn’t trust that you have done enough towards your passion.

Card of the week: Faith
The opposite card comes up this week to remind you to not lose faith on your journey! Sometimes things happen to remind us that there is a greater presence assisting us on our path.

Week 4: December 19-25

Merry Christmas!

The week that most have been waiting for, the wind down to Christmas. It is here now, and the energy supports us to find some time to relax and recuperate even if you are working during this time. There might be a feeling of triumph; that you made it to this moment and to the end of the year. Well done! Because you have made it through another year.

This is not always the easiest time for people, while many enjoy this time, some may feel lonely or be triggered by grief. Whatever arises for you be sure to process it and look for the positives.

Be truthful with yourself and honest with others as to how you are feeling.  You might find that starting a new project you can be devoted to will be good this week rather than waiting to do it as a new year’s resolution and get into some positive habits like journaling or meditation now, the habits that have huge benefits. This will help you process the harder feelings that can come up at the end of the year. What is a good habit you can adopt that you will stick to? Its about sustainability.

Home is at the forefront, so whatever is happening at “home” which encompasses all relationship dynamics and the environment of where it feels like home. Observe the dynamics, see the part you play in them. If you find yourself needing to seek approval from those around you, this will be a good indication of being honest with yourself about areas that may need some attention.

Patience may be required in general especially around attitudes that don’t align with yours.

New Moon: December 23

The final new moon and time to instill those new habits. Whatever you intend let it be what you want and what is useful to you. You do not need to have the approval for others if it makes your heart happy.

What a blessing to have a new moon during the week of Christmas – we can set intentions for new behaviours for 2023.

Card Of The Week: Triumph
This card comes up because this a week you will be able to see obstacles shifting and the ability for you to say YES to what you really  want.

Transitionary Week: December 26-January 1

Happy New Year!

Many will be on recharge mode and your manifestation ability is at its peaks after the new moon as you will more likely be a bit more relaxed at this time which takes the pressure off all the things you are wanting to bring into your life.

There is a feeling that comes with the 1st of Jan of the slate being wiped clean, but you can carry forward your intentions from 2022 into 2023 and remind yourself that the timing may not have been right then but the time for you to shine is coming!

This week you want to think about your priorities for the year and where you may not have made time last year because you adapted to your environment. You are asked to think about where your necessary sacrifice needs to be. The things you have to do versus what you want to do, or at least until you can do what you want.  What do you have to do before you can do what you want to do? And what do you have to do in general to maintain a healthy, balanced life? Not all sacrifices are bad. Some are a necessity for life!

Movement will be happening in your thoughts and plans, ensure they are things honour yourself but also recognise what needs to be done. The way to do this without feeling defeated is seeing the benefit of what a sacrifice gives you. If you have made sacrifices for someone else, you may want to ask yourself what the benefit is for you long term.

Do something nice for yourself this week to appreciate yourself, when we do this, we create and energy for others to appreciate us also.

Card of the week: Movement
Things are on the move for you. You are in the power seat on deciding how you want to move forward.

Overall: December is month is about opportunity and choices. Lots to weigh up around what you want, what you need to do and who you are doing it for. Emotions that come up are for creating change. Overall, you are being supported to end the year with relaxation and empowerment to overcome, understand and make the best choices and changes for you for the New Year ahead.

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