
Turmeric vegetable pickle

Home » Sharon Vollner » Turmeric vegetable pickle

19 June 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This pickle is so versatile – you can make it using almost any veges you have surplus of.

Makes 4 medium jars


6 cups chopped vegetables – can use cauliflower, courgette, broccoli, fennel, green beans

2-3 green or red chillies, deseeded and diced

3 medium onions, diced

¼ cup salt

4 tablespoons cooking oil

2 heaped tablespoons mustard seeds

2 tablespoons ground cumin

2 tablespoons turmeric

2 tablespoons English mustard powder

4 tablespoons plain flour

500ml white wine vinegar

½ cup water

2 apples, grated

6 tablespoons sugar

3 cloves garlic, crushed

2 large bay leaves


1. Put all the vegetables (including chillies and onions) in a bowl. Add the salt and enough water to cover. Leave in a cool place for about 1 hour.

2. Heat oil in a large pot and fry the mustard seeds, cumin and turmeric until the seeds start popping. Reduce the heat and add the mustard powder, flour and a splash of the vinegar. Stir until you have a thick paste, then gradually add the remaining vinegar and the water, stirring to a smooth paste. Add the apples, sugar, garlic
and bay leaves. Cook for 3-4 minutes.

3. Drain the salted vegetables and add them to the sauce, stirring to coat. Cook on low to medium until the vegetables have just softened and started to release some juice – about 15 minutes.

4. Spoon into sterilised jars and seal tightly with lids. Leave to cool and store in a dark cupboard.

5. It’s best to leave your pickle for at least 3 weeks for the full flavour to develop, then enjoy it with meats, toasted sandwiches, or cheese and crackers!

Nici’s note

A food processor can be used to chop the veges, but don’t go too fine – it’s meant to be a chunky pickle.


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