
Your October Energy Forcast

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31 October 2022

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to be able to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.

WEEK ONE: 1 – 9 October

A week of action and ambition along with peace in the heart. Mercury comes out of Retrograde (for the final time this year) and the energy frees us up to take required action in the areas in our life that are goal oriented or have a desired outcome. This week it is time to act but to also consider your source of motivation. There is also caution about being too fixated on the outcome and make sure you ask yourself if it is your ego that wants you to feel better than others or if it’s purely for your own purpose and feeling pride around your own achievements. There is freedom to move, freedom to speak and to integrate anything which feels like it hasn’t been able to align…until now. There is also something that will balance itself out and will assimilate into your life with the action you take.

You may be shown in your life further direction in your purpose which will give you a sense of renewal and faith. This is because you have been detoxing from your old ways of thinking which you should be proud of and trust that you have the freedom to receive infinitely! Be a bit daring this week!


This card comes up because there is both physical and energetic movement this week. When everything is aligned you will find yourself moving freely in your life with empowerment and without resistance.

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on the digital soul progression oracle feature.

Full Moon 9 October

This Full Moon brings with it accelerated healing affects this week. It means to allow the solutions to present themselves and move with what you have in front of you, not pre-empting problems that may or may not come up, there is no need to rush.

SECOND WEEK: 10– 16October

After the Full Moon there may be residues of fear and anxiety surface, so this week will be a week where the energy will support you to look into and assess at if you are over committed in any way. Perhaps there are areas of your life where you are disorganised and need reprioritisation? Feeling exhausted and burnt out is an indication that you need to be gentler with yourself, even if you are trying to lead many others in your life.

You are an inspiration and people are taking heed from the example you set, so remember that looking after yourself is part of that example. If you are feeling exhausted or burnt out, be gentle with yourself and surrender with the flow of life rather than swimming upstream and tiring yourself out. You are regaining your strength so some things in your life may need to end before the new beginnings can happen. Start asking yourself what that new beginning is now that you have taken some time this week to look at your priorities.


This card comes up for you this week for the strength that is required to be yourself and to know and honour what your needs are.

THIRD WEEK: 12 – 18 October  

There is so much free will in our lives to change things and be who we want to be but there are some things that are also your destiny! Financial independence is one of the things most of us seek, and you want to achieve both flow and be aligned with your destiny, where all your needs AND wants are met. Your destiny is to lead your life with your gifts and talents at the forefront of it, so you can feel confidence that you are indeed living your destiny and purpose. If you want more financial abundance, ask yourself how can you receive more by utilising your own natural gifts?

Whatever you are doing in your life, remember that not all things need to be perfect. We learn by doing and sometimes when we strive for perfection it can be because we are afraid to launch ourselves forward and be open to criticism. Instead, move forward with the intention of developing yourself and your natural gifts and skillset. If you are wasting time and procrastinating, think about the cause and effect of this.

Whilst we are encouraged to act, we also don’t need to rush. Just do things that you need to and that come naturally. The main message once again this week is to swim with the tide. You are safe to enjoy life as you go!


This card comes up as you are being asked to find the balance between your destiny and reaping financial abundance from it. Balance will be restored to support your receptivity to abundance.

FOURTH WEEK: 2a4 – 31 October

Time to diversify this week, we are trusting in an abundant future remember?! There is a new beginning in this week’s energy with an opportunity to take a leap of faith. There is a lot of light in the air this week and light leads the way! We have a victorious energy at play because Universal timing is aligning! This may even be a good week to put yourself out there if you are single or rekindle a romance. Reunion energy with others is present also.  

You may want to look at your health in all aspects this week and where you need to protect yourself from others energy it’s important to do so physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Exciting new beginnings and opportunities to cleanse and rekindle relationships arise! Emotions may feel more balanced as you allow yourself to feel gratitude and see what and who you have in your life. A great opportunity to reinvigorate yourself!

 New Moon Solar Eclipse – 25 October

This New Moon is a Solar Eclipse and brings with it an intense time to review your feelings about relationships. The energy intensifies new opportunities and intentions, and your manifestations will be supercharged.


This card comes up because you will be noticing how things have conspired to help and support you rather than going the way you expected.

Overall, this October there is lots of movement growth and opportunity to prepare for 2023! A month with doors opening and manifestations accelerating.

Website: www.soul33.com  | Facebook: @soulthirtythree | Instagram: @soulthirtythree

Profile: Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy ® when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand their journey. Each month Gaia provides a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. www.soul33.com for her Spiritual Guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app store.

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