Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to be able to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.
WEEK ONE: October 31– November 6
Wow, let me tell you, November is a strong month for all of us with many things coming to a head! Decisions will be made. In the sign of Scorpio things can be very intense especially as we start this month with this strong energy. Whatever your personal beliefs are you may find yourself challenging the status quo this week in relationships in terms of what you want. You are being told to stand your ground. What areas of your life do you need to stand your ground and hold true to your own needs and boundaries?
If standing your ground isn’t your normal approach to life, this week will be the week to do it. You are being asked to lead your life with purpose and you may not have time to entertain anyone that isn’t accountable to what you need to get done or anyone who may be being dishonest in some way. Make sure you ask yourself ‘are they on the same page’, and if not, don’t be afraid to act accordingly. This is across all areas of your personal life and career.
What you do this week needs to be from the heart, from your ‘knowing’ and because you are truly passionate about what you are doing and where you are going, ensure whatever it is, is worth your energy.
On the other side of standing your ground is if you are someone that needs to release control; do the opposite of what you normally would do and loosen the grip to someone who might be suggesting something else. Handing the reigns over to someone who has as stronger view may see you getting what you need too. You are being protected when you move with trust, so there is no need to feel like you are struggling or needing to force anything. You are making your way to be a more powerful version of you and that means trusting that your steps are leading to your destiny.
This card comes up because there needs to be a change up in what and how you do things. If something has not been working for you, it’s time to do the opposite and switch things up to get a favorable result.
WEEK TWO: November 7– 13
As we start approaching the end of the year, we can start re-evaluating what we have and what we want. This is a good week to consider where you are at in life and what you want to do to have more stability. Where is it that you have lost discipline or focus? It’s time to get this back but not to control; to get back on track.
Regaining stability and security can take time, there are not necessarily immediate results. You are setting things up for the New Year. If you need help and assistance in planning, this is the week to ask for help and commit to it, actively taking action to transform yourself. Things you can do here are to take a good look at the areas in life that you need greater stability and then taking action to enquire into who can help you achieve it.
A good place to start is by building on the foundation you have now. What can you do within your means to orient yourself with opportunities that weave positively into your future? What do you have now that you can work with or work from? The goal is to be in the flow here … not in excessive control.
This Full Moon is an eclipse bringing with it both healing and a real focus on deep releasing. This eclipse may also be upheaving in some ways, creating inertia to make the changes and commitments that need to be made. Burdens are to be released but also a lunar cycle now enters to inspire new action. This Full Moon will start to reveal your destiny.
This card comes up for you this week as renewal of your life is at the forefront. As we release we are also using it to move us forward for life to be renewed.
WEEK THREE: 14– 20 November
A beautiful energy this week of reconnecting with lovers and loved ones. This can also mean a reconnection with self and highlighting renewed self-love. There is energetic alignment entering this week to facilitate this reconnection or connection with others and with ourselves.
The ambitious energy of last week remains this week. Be open minded to hearing the opinions of others but also seeing they are accountable to their words. Not all opinions need to be taken on board so ask questions to seek greater understanding. Spend some time contemplating, sow your seeds for what you are wanting. There will be a hand of help extended to you so have the courage to grab on to it and have peace in your heart you are making the right decision. What is being brought into your life now is a seed of a new way of being loved. With love comes peace and also the courage to allow feeling and being supported.
The opposite card comes up again but this time it’s about marrying two sides of information. The opposites are about making a whole this week.
WEEK FOUR: 21 – 29 November
The grounds are still fertile for growth and your routine is being looked at this week. Your intuition will be helping you discern how you can better use your time and energy, being able to say yes or no using your heart as the voice of reason. There is a change in direction, and you are asked to use your inner resources. This means that something within you is asking to be revealed and utilized. Post the full moon eclipse things will start to become clearer on what this is.
Seek feminine energy as a voice of support, someone who is a wise counsel who can validate your thoughts if you need expansive vision. A nurturing energy may be required this week. Look out for signs from the universe guiding you this week. This week is about yourself and your knowing and revealing your mission in life.
NEW MOON: 23 November
This New Moon will be a time to set all the intentions you want with the information you have derived this month. A strong new moon for your mission and purpose.
This card comes up because this a week to see yourself and you knowing as sacred gifts of information giving you important guidance to have a better view of the bigger picture and insight into your life’s purpose and mission.
OVERALL: There is a lot of support this month and action to drive things forward. There is important energy supporting you to change tack, what has been done will not work any longer. Doing the opposite of what you have always done is a key thing for this month! You’ll find there will be a lot of direction taking place for you this month.
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Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy ® when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand their journey. Each month Gaia provides a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. for her Spiritual Guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app store.