Astrologer Colleen Coffey has surveyed the skies and has some intel for the month ahead.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Gemini Ingress May 21, 2022, at 1.23pm NZT
The sun moves into the mutable Air sign Gemini. Those born under the influence of the Twins are adaptable, curious and a tad restless. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the Roman God of communication and commerce. Mercury also served as Messenger for all Gods – the Gemini call is “I think”.
Many happy returns, Gemini Woman. Your youthful, agile ruler, Mercury, often called the “trickster”, is in retrograde mode as your birthday month opens. It can be a pesky time as Mercury zigzags back and forth, messing around with plans and arrangements. You have good support from other planets: Mars/action, Jupiter/growth, and Pluto/power, which means you will shimmy your way through the inconvenience more astutely than your more fixed Zodiac sisters. But keep your plans fluid, watch communication, listen well to directions, and try not to sign important contracts until after June 5 – or at least be sure to read the fine print very carefully. The new moon on May 30 will fill your sails with enthusiasm and good intentions, but hold those thoughts until June 5 when Mercury does a 180 and heads forward again. The momentum builds and the new noon on June 14, together with Mercury moving back into Gemini, will reset you on the fast track.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

A month of many faces. The week of the third quarter moon, May 23-30, will be fast-moving but buoyant as your speedy ruler bounces over planets and through Pisces and Aries. Moods and feelings will change rapidly, but it is all very positive. You just have to grab the moment, because it will be gone in a flash. On May 30, take time to refresh the spirit, because from new moon to full, May 30-June 14, the tempo and pressure will increase markedly. Then the full moon brings a kind of hush and a sense of completion. On June 16-17, when the moon passes over Pluto in stoic Capricorn, watch out for the emotional undercurrent, don’t engage and let the solar month end softly.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

A compatible month, with the power in your hands. However, be mindful that for the first week, your noble ruler, the sun, links to chatty retrograde Mercury, so be circumspect and keep your options open or have a contingency plan because arrangements will change. The focus is on friends, groups and those special associations outside the personal or family, and the new moon on May 30 will double this focus. From May 31 to June 8, it is plain sailing in clear air, so bring those plans off the back-burner and turn up the heat. On June 5, Mercury turns direct, so it’s a great time to reboot something special that you’ve been sitting on for a while. On June 14, the full moon helps wind down a productive month.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

With ruler Mercury cheek by jowl with the sun high in your sector of career and/or public reputation, it’s a month of great expectations. Mercury retrograde means rewrites to plans are a given, but with helpful support from the combo of Mars/action, Jupiter/ growth and Pluto/power, and persuasive pressure from Saturn/ structure, the “re-dos” are a second chance to be the best you can be, so use your time constructively. On May 30, added incentive will come with the new moon, which will reinvigorate your goals, but you may have to weather one step forward and one-and-a-half steps back until June 5 when Mercury turns and heads forward and the bumps in the road flatten out. By June 14, you will be back on course and primed to take an interesting month to a satisfying close.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The focus is on partnerships, professional and significant, but planetary influence and sign changes make it a multifaceted month. May 21 to 29 is a great time for corrective action, revamping and realigning. On May 29, a slightly more passive time follows Venus’s move into earthy Taurus. Use this quiet time, enjoy it with your significant other because it is transitory. On June 5, the lovely Venus and unpredictable Uranus come together just as Mercury spins and turns, so plans are sure to change, but it will be as exciting as it is disruptive. On June 14, the responsible hand of Saturn goes on the tiller at the full moon, bringing a crazy, inconsistent month to a somewhat stable end.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22)

A constructive month with your attention firmly fixed on creatively managing the resources of others. It’s perfect if you work in any banking field, HR or people management at any level (little people included). On May 25, Mars, your ancient ruler, moves into efficient Aries, so expect the first part of the month to be busy, but with both rulers, Mars and Pluto, in helpful mode, the “busy” will flow well. On June 5, Mercury, the planet of thinking and planning, changes direction and links harmoniously with powerful Pluto until month’s end, so plans may change, but time will prove they are for the better. On June 14, the full moon brings the focus back to personal resources, which means some well-earned R and R as a busy month draws to an end.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

A sea change for you, Sag, as your ruler, Jupiter, has moved from Pisces to Aries, and the mode has moved from philosophic to adventurous. Action planet Mars is on Jupiter’s heels and the focus is on all things creative: the kids, sport, theatre and fun! If you haven’t started already, it’s time to take plans off the drawing board and use that energy to get things rolling. On May 30, the new moon falls into the house of partnership, linking into the Jupiter/Mars combo of action and growth. Brilliant! Share as much as you can with your partner and/or kids – perhaps the whole whānau. On June 5, Mercury turns direct, so plans will stabilise, but the dust won’t settle. On June 14, the full moon will give respite, so take a breath and centre yourself before the next phase of action.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You prefer a stable, practical base, so you may find the Gemini solar month lightweight and frustrating. Your disciplined ruler Saturn and communicative Mercury are at odds all month. While Mercury is retrograde, it will be difficult to stick to plans and schedules. On June 5, Mercury turns direct as Saturn goes retrograde , so the balance of power changes and you regain control. You may still need to retrace your steps and refine completed work, but it’s now your call! Venus and unpredictable Uranus are shoulder to shoulder in your sector of children and creativity, so make the most of this before Saturn kills the joy with discipline and structure from June 13. On June 14, the full moon brings a timely reminder to phone a friend, relax and glide a disjointed month to its close.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

With Saturn, your traditional ruler, in your sector of self this month, you will feel well in control. Until the end of May, use the time to cement important personal relationships before difficult planetary aspects creep in and disrupt a fragile balance. Until June 5, a Mercury retrograde will put a spanner in many works, causing frustrating delays. As it’s part of the annual planetary realignment and not personal, it’s best to roll with it. Until June 17, others will appear argumentative, especially when Mercury and Saturn swap direction. On June 14, the full moon brings all- important friends into focus, so debrief and enjoy this after a tough month.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

After the harmony of recent times, the Gemini solar month brings a reality check as Jupiter, your ancient ruler, moves out of your sign into forthright Aries. On May 25, assertive Mars follows, so it’s time to push forward,and propel those dreams into reality – especially the ones linked to income. There may be niggles in your family sector, but with planetary help from powerful Pluto, you can easily stand your ground. The new moon highlights (even to you) the vast amount of sound, positive energy around you. On June 5, with Mercury moving forward, things will shuffle, the tension will dissipate and plans will change for the best. On June 14, the full moon will turn the light onto your career or your public front, with a timely reminder to keep pushing forward.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Don’t be fooled by a quiet start to the Gemini solar month. On May 25, your assertive ruler Mars moves home to your sign and links up with Jupiter in your personal sector until June 13. This will put you into turbocharged mode. With powerful Pluto on your team until May 29, it is a good time to finish work in progress and/or start new projects. On May 30, the new moon spikes your sector of communication with a timely reminder to refresh personal contacts, get out and about in your neighbourhood or reconnect with siblings. On June 5, Mercury planet travel and communication flip a U-turn, so expect plans, especially travel plans, to change. Ride the inconvenience because after June 14, some much-needed consolidation and better plans are on the way.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

From May 22 to 29, with Venus, your charming ruler, in fiery active Aries moving through the most private sector of your horoscope it’s a great time for some personal remedial work, perhaps something long-promised but constantly shelved. An internal reboot or external makeover would suit the brief perfectly. On May 29, Venus moves into Taurus, its own sign, and with it comes a feeling of comfortable familiarity, so relax, it’s like being at home. On June 4 and 5, Venus sheds the controlling influence of Pluto as Mercury turns direct, so expect plans to change or be disrupted. Strangely, though, it will work out for the best. On June 6, Venus teams up with the unconventional but brilliant Uranus for an exciting pairing, so ride the wave, do something different and – even better – something unconventional.