
October Energy Forecast From Gaia Chinniah

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26 September 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Gaia Chinniah is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy. Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to help us to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this October Energy Forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.

WEEK ONE: October 1 – 8

What a beautiful start to the month with love and harmony energy within our relationships, particularly romantic ones. This is a great time for your relationships to find new loving ways or open communication with each other to re-establish a connection that you may not have felt even or in a long time. You will feel like choices you are making around love (even if you are single) are getting you closer to the support you’re looking for in life. 

Your courage will be rewarded this week too and you may be speaking up for yourself or others. The only way to get to the other side of where you are now is through so there is no need to force things to happen, instead act and speak with love and then surrender to the outcome. Your intention is to heal this week.

Card of the week: Earth

The earth card comes up to remind you that your earth journey is supporting your healing with the ability to see how loved you are here on earth and that things are working out for you.

WEEK TWO: October 9 – 15

Contemplate your next steps this week, that may involve moving or leaving to go somewhere on a trip or perhaps on a more permanent basis. This movement may also be in you thinking about moving and how that could look like.

You may have found yourself holding back and this is the time to take a risk. Where have you felt you have lost your power in your decisions and choices? This is really coming back this month and you get to choose from a place of personal power now. Your possibilities are endless! Trust your feelings and look beyond the surface. Once you know what you want, trust in the flow that comes next. Your strength this week will come from being vulnerable.

Card of the week: Masters

The Masters card comes up to remind you that there is a higher force at play to help you receive a positive outcome as a result of your risk taking.

New Moon –  October 15: Solar Eclipse in Libra (balance) 

The new moon is with a solar eclipse this month and it is a great time to set intentions where things in your life have been imbalanced. Where things may have seemed unfair are being drawn to your attention. While new moons are traditionally to start a fresh cycle, this new moon with the solar eclipse will be creating awareness as to what has got to change in order for things to be fair.

WEEK THREE: October 16 – 22

There is fast paced movement this week so don’t be reckless. Act as strategically as you can and be aware if you are acting from a place of being too attached to something, someone or an outcome. You will have a better outcome if you have awareness that would have been realized during the solar eclipse to act and see your seeds starting to grow. You are aiming for harmony and intimacy which may require some form of reconciliation. If you are feeling betrayed or this has triggered in you somehow be honest with yourself; if you are not wanting or allowing yourself to let it go, are you sabotaging your growth by being attached to any victim energy? Or is this a still current issue which needs to be addressed? There is plenty of possibilities in the air this week! Know yourself to deepen your relationships.

Card of the week: Transformation

There is huge transformation this week in our awareness of self. This card comes up to remind you that seeds you have planted are beginning to grow but if you don’t like what you are seeing this is the time to speak up and change things before they mature.

WEEK FOUR: October 23 – 29

Teamwork and collaboration will come with ambition. Living in the present and feeling grounded. Use your intuition to hear what actions you need to take and receive the signs and guidance from your heart. If there is resistance, take note and hold back. Bring everything back to the present moment rather than thinking too far ahead. This week is about being in a space of serenity and ease, if the future things are stressing you out remember that you power comes from understanding what is being presented in front of you as things are still moving very quicky this week and we need to catch up before any forward motion can further happen.

Card of the week: Transformation

This card comes up again this week to remind us that your wings are being spread to include other people into your fold and not feel like you are having to decide or do everything alone. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – October 28

You will be seeking support and stability this full moon as we also have a lunar eclipse. We will be asked to accept what is to be able to release subconscious patterns of resistance to receive help. You will be able to trust the chapter that close at this time and know it is for your highest good.

WEEK FIVE: October 30 – November 5

The residue of the lunar eclipse may have you feeling a little vulnerable, maybe even slightly disappointment or wanting to withdraw and escape. This is because something better is coming! Take care of your needs and move forward with meeting your needs now. Do things this week that calm your waters; dance, nourish your soul through gentle and creative selfcare. You might even want to move forward with a passion project. The exciting part of this week is that old beliefs sabotaging your future are shifting in order for you to be seen and heard in the way you deserve. Equanimity if the word to handle all of this week.

Card of the week: Break the cycle

This card comes in to support you with the release of all old patterns and cycles that do not serve you anymore and to come back to a place of what you want and who you are.

October is eclipse season! This is a time of great change and deep reflection. There is a balance of self-care and intimate love blossoming with a current or new love. See your seeds starting to grow and embrace ends knowing there are better horizons not in the distance any longer but looking right at you! The future is here now.

Related Article: September Forecast From Gaia Chinniah

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