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How Many Calories Are in Wine?

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31 January 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever wondered about the calories in a glass of wine?

It is just as essential to enjoy what’s in your glass as it is to know what’s in it. I’m not a huge lover of calorie tracking but I try to eat and exercise as balanced as I can. When a calorie count is not listed on the label of a wine bottle, it can feel impossible to determine how many calories you are ingesting in that red or white. We can virtually have our cake and eat it, thanks to options such as non-alcoholic wine and low-calorie wines. But let’s be honest – nothing beats your go-to glass. 

So why don’t wine labels include any nutritional information? 

As alcoholic beverages are not classified as nutritious, nutrition details are not provided on wine labels. Of course, this does not imply that it is calorie-free! But it makes it quite challenging to figure out how many additional calories you may consume on a night out. 

Another reason is that there is no standard unit to track because alcohol is the primary source of calories in wine (not sugar, funnily). As wine ages, the content can become more alcoholic, making it nearly impossible to track its calorie contents actively. Wine also contains nutrients from grape skins, carbs, and calories. Red wine contains more antioxidants than white wines, but there is no way to show this numerically. 

So today, I’d like to make things easier for you, go over some of the calorie contents suggested by the experts, and point out which are the better options for your next bottle. 

Calories in Red Wine

Every wine is different, but a 100ml red wine contains roughly 85 calories.

Shiraz has 71 calories per 100ml

Pinot Noir has 75 calories per 100ml 

Cabernet Sauvignon has 77 calories per 100ml 

Malbec has 82 calories per 100ml

Merlot has 83 calories per 100ml

Calories in White Wine

White wine consumers may expect their 100ml glass to contain roughly 82 calories.

Prosecco has 71 calories per 100ml

Riesling has 80 calories per 100ml 

Sauvignon blanc has 81 calories per 100ml

Chardonnay has 83 calories per 100ml

Calories in Rosé

Rosé certainly has a higher calorie count at 126 calories per 100ml glass.

Grenache Rosé has 126 calories per 100ml glass

Pinot Noir Rosé has 129 calories per 100ml

Moscato Rosé has 134 calories per 100ml

Below is a brilliant infographic from Wine Folly

What determines whether a wine contains fewer or more calories?

The calories in a glass of wine can differ significantly depending on whether they are red, white, rosé, or sparkling (like prosecco or champagne). They are generally between 11 and 14% ABV, with some reaching as high as 14.5% ABV. The only way to be sure is to read the label.

Lower-strength drinks might be the most exciting way to cut back on alcohol and calories. More reduced-alcohol wines are available in stores and pubs than ever before. For example, a reduced alcohol rosé wine could have an ABV of roughly 5.5% (check the label), which would cut your alcohol consumption in half compared to an identical size glass of full-strength wine. 

For the curious and intuitive wine lovers out there, we hope this guide was helpful to your journey of staying aware while having fun. In the meantime, here is our list for the 10 best organic wines to try from New Zealand! Happy sipping everyone!

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