From full cream, jersey to homogenised, we’re demystifying dairy. This is how you tell your blue from your green and everything in between.
Blue top
Standard milk, which the Heart Foundation recommends for toddlers, as it contains about 2g of saturated fat per 100ml.
Light blue
Reduced fat, with about 0.9g of saturated fat per 100ml.
Green top
Trim milk has about 0.2g of saturated fat per 100ml.
Yellow top
Low fat, but also high in calcium – about 0.1g of saturated fat per 100ml, and a 250ml glass meets about half your daily calcium needs.
Full cream/silver top
Higher in fat and creamy like old-school milk; usually about 2.6g of saturated fat per 100ml.
Produced by Jersey cows, it’s a richer, creamier milk with more protein, calcium and fat than standard milks and more likely to contain the A2 protein.
Milk containing only the A2 variant of beta-casein, which some people who are lactose intolerant find easier to digest.
Milk from cows eating a natural organic diet with no GMOs, palm kernel, antibiotics or added hormones.
Created during an ultra-fine filtration process, where the lactose, soluble minerals and vitamins are separated from the protein and insoluble minerals. This liquid is called permeate and it is then added to milk to standardise it.
A process that involves breaking up fat droplets to smaller sizes so they don’t separate from the rest of the milk, which results in a more “uniform” milk.