woman in white and pink dress holding a short glass with a pink liquid inside

Raspberry Shrub Mocktail

Home » Food » Raspberry Shrub Mocktail

7 February 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Shrubs are so refreshing to sip away on and they’re so easy to make!

Makes 200ml of syrup


450g fresh raspberries

1 cup caster sugar

½ cup red wine vinegar

Soda water to serve

Ice to serve


  1. In a bowl, toss fruit with sugar, cover with a breathable cloth and leave to sit for 48 hours, stirring every now and again.
  2. Push fruit through a sieve, collecting the syrup. Stir red wine vinegar into the syrup and store in a jar in the fridge until needed.
  3. To make the shrubs, pour syrup into glasses and top with soda water and ice. I use a ration of 1:4 syrup to soda water, but adjust to suit your taste. (You can also stir the fruit pulp through ice cream, add it to smoothies, or use it in the tiramisu recipe instead of the jam.)

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