(Nov 23 – Dec 21)
Sagittarius Ingress November 23, 8.33pm NZT
The Sun moves into mutable fire sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, named after the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, and the largest planet in our solar system. Those born under the influence of the Archer are enthusiastic, adventurous, and constantly seeking information. They thrive on knowledge. Sagittarius energy is open, honest and jovial but the larger-than-life disposition can at times be a little too frank! The Sagittarius call sign is “I Seek”.
Many happy returns, Sagittarius Woman – may your special month live up to your expectations and may it herald a promising year ahead. A rush of energy will start the month, Jupiter turns direct (yay!), and there is an invigorating New Moon within the first three days. Run with good vibes, time to take your plans off the back-burner and put into action. Home, family and big dreams are your main motivation, but it is a month of variety rather than dedicated focus so be mindful of spreading yourself too thin. From December 2 until mid-month, Venus/relating and Mercury/communication are squaring off against your Jupiter. Interaction with others, both at work and home, may become a little niggly. Just don’t push buttons and risk confrontation. On December 21, Jupiter finally moves out of Pisces and into Aries – the ambience will become more forthright and the pace will increase markedly, but that’s next month’s story!
Dec 22 – Jan 19
Have you ever wanted “just one month” to do things your way? Bar the pesky niggle from radical Uranus pushing for more change, this could be that month. The exuberant Sagittarian energy is contained, leaving you free to work on the things you value, or that are necessary for you to reach your goal. A strong link between ruler Saturn/stability and Mars/action makes this time super productive. Mercury/communication then Venus/relating cross into Capricorn on December 5-7. They will strengthen your team and boost communication, especially at work. The Full Moon on December 8 highlights work/service, with a tip of the hat to your more introspective nature. Don’t ignore this. Take time for you – the rest of the month will take care of itself, and next month may not be so cruisy.
Jan 20 – Feb 18
Most signs don’t respond well to a solar month with little planetary action, but for you, it is balm to your soul – play your “detach” card and get on with things. Your rulers Saturn/Uranus, ancient and modern, continue their background hostility; by now you are adept at managing change versus the status quo so ride it out and concentrate on the good things. The New Moon on November 26 highlights your all-important area of friends and groups, with good vibes from Saturn to Venus/relating and Mercury/communication and Mars/action, it’s the perfect time to network. The Full Moon on December 8 will put the spotlight on kids and creativity. From December 13 onwards there are only petty niggles – it is some brilliant connections to Uranus which will take the month out in style!
Feb 19 – Mar 20
If you find the Sagittarian month a tad blustery, this month is a standout – but with huge opportunity to make the pressure work. The Sun/authority, Venus/relating and Mercury/communication sit high in your sector of career, tersely connected to your rulers Jupiter and Neptune. At the same time, Mars/action is playing tug-of-war with the Sagittarian planets, so there is strong energy around you. Run with it, push the career button, you will be surprised! This combination won’t be back this century! The Full Moon will bring the month to a climax with a reminder of work-life balance. The pressure will ease and be gone by December 16. A much gentler planetary combination will glide the month to a soft close.
Mar 21 – Apr 19
The resounding words for the month are “communication” and “knowledge-gathering” – with ruler Mars in retrograde there will be more than a touch of déjà vu and the frustration of redos and rewrites. Don’t stress, you flourish in expansive Sagittarius energy. Regard it as a learning curve, temper your expectations with reality and it will be a win-win. On December 1-7, ruler Mars opposes Venus and Mercury, interaction and interfacing with others, especially at work, may be a little strained. Be patient, not everyone thinks on their feet as well as you. On December 7, Mercury slips into sensible Capricorn. Common sense prevails, and on December 8 a feisty Full Moon will put you in the driver’s seat for the rest of the solar month.
Apr 20 – May 20
A super-cruisy start to the month, ruler Venus and chatty Mercury are hand-in-hand in jovial Sagittarius. There is no other planetary interference so you will be free to do your own thing at work and/or play. On December 3, change comes compliments of a flurry of conflicting planetary activity. Best listen to your inner voice of reason. Don’t take risks, especially around money or finance, no matter how confident you feel. Don’t ask a friend for advice, talk to a professional, especially around the Full Moon on December 8. Things will calm on December 10 when Venus slips into responsible Capricorn. However, you will still feel inclined to push the envelope into more exciting territory. Resist – create your own excitement with important people and the month will close as well as it started.
May 21 – Jun 21
You will love this month – ruler Mercury starts in freewheeling Sagittarius, cheek by jowl with Venus and the focus is other people, including partners, personal and professional. The perfect time to have frank conversations with those close to you, either at home or at work. Expect some opposition after December 1, courtesy of combative links between Mercury/communication, Mars/action and Jupiter/growth, but you will have the upper hand after Mercury moves into authoritative Capricorn on December 7. Use wisely, don’t push it. The Full Moon on December 8 will bring discontent to a head and clear the air with any fallout dissipating quickly. Innovative Uranus links with Mercury on December 12, perfect for intuitive, creative thinking and a great way to see out the month!
Jun 22 – Jul 22
The New Moon on November 24, almost as the month begins, changes the focus from children and creativity to service work and routine matters and sets the scene for the rest of the month. With lovely Venus between your Moon and a chatty Sagittarius Mercury, the promise is a gentle but invigorating month. You will sail through to the Full Moon with only fleeting niggles – watch power plays on November 27 and disruption on December 5. The month’s pressure point will come with the Full Moon on December 8 – expect opposition from others at work. Assertive Mars is on your side, so hold your ground – it will pass. On December 16, the last quarter brings a friendly reminder to check finances, and then it’s a soft wind down to month’s end.
Jul 23 – Aug 22
A happy month! Your glorious ruler the Sun is in complementary fire sign Sagittarius. The focus is children, creativity and fun with a congenial link to expansive Jupiter, the main planetary contact until the month’s end. The message is to go for it – be creative, enjoy what you do and spend special time with the kids, but be mindful that you are running on supercharged energy and it would be easy to push the good vibes too far. A terse link between Mars/action and the Sun will create a natural slowdown, and the steadying influence of Saturn will ignite your common sense, but your dreams are big so best to put your finger on the slow button as the month develops. You will easily coast to the month’s end if you keep your expectations in check.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
With your ruler Mercury coupled with Venus in extroverted Sagittarius, you may find the beginning of the month a tad tiresome. Nothing drastic, more the feeling of being a square peg in a round hole. It’s simply that expansive, big-picture energy does not sit well with your more detailed and analytical worldview. It is the classic work-life balance all month, but yes, other areas of life keep bubbling over, meaning a constant shuffle of priorities. It will ease on December 5 when Mercury breaks the link with retro Mars. On December 8, Mercury moves into controlled Capricorn and the Full Moon puts the focus squarely on career/work making it difficult to keep life balanced. The breakthrough comes on December 13 when Mercury teams up with inspiring Uranus – the month will close more creatively than it started.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
If you have been waiting to have your say on matters of importance, now is the time. Venus, your lovely ruler, is hand-in-glove with Mercury, the planet of communication in spontaneous Sagittarius. Communication is a high priority and initially there are no planetary blocks. On November 28, retrograde Mars links to Venus, this may simply mean you need to revamp some stuff but it could also impinge on travel plans – it will pass before the festive season starts. On December 4, Jupiter links into the Venus-Mercury duo, overheating your enthusiasm, frankness and confidence, but will dampen down when Venus moves into prudent Capricorn on December 10. Some minor adjustments around work and home will take the month to a sparkling close courtesy of a brilliant Venus-Uranus link.
Oct 23 – Nov 22
Emphasis is on money and resources. There is little pressure, so it’s more about earning it, using it, and working with it. Your traditional ruler Mars/action is astutely connected to stable Saturn, making the focus other people’s resources – brilliant if you manage people or money – but keep your expectations real. From November 27 until December 6, Mars opposes Venus/relating and Mercury/communication. This could mean a battle of wits with others. Make it productive – find the sweet spot. A friendly connection between your ruler Pluto/power and Jupiter/knowledge is great for research, investigation or simply delving deep. The Full Moon on December 8 will bring issues to a head – after that, the month glides to a productive close.