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Nici Wickes’ Delicious Vegan Cashew Cream Recipe

Home » Food » Recipes » Vegan » Nici Wickes’ Delicious Vegan Cashew Cream Recipe

18 February 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is great on salads, baked potatoes, nachos… Anything, really! It lasts a few weeks in the fridge. Makes about a cup.


3/4 cup raw, unsalted cashew nuts

1 cup warm water, plus extra

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes

2 tablespoons lemon juice

½ teaspoon sea salt


1. Cover cashews with warm water and leave to soak and swell. I do this overnight but an hour will do it. Drain.

2. In a blender, blitz cashews with yeast, lemon juice and salt, pouring in enough water to get it moving in the blender and to create a smooth, creamy texture.

3. Taste and adjust seasoning, adding yeast, salt and/or lemon juice as needed.

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