
July Energy Forecast from Gaia Chinniah

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5 July 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Gaia Chinniah is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy. Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to help us to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this June Energy Forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.

Week One: 1 – 9 July

July has the balance sheet of life coming back into alignment. It’s a month for balancing up the ledger. Where things have been falling apart needs attention to be stitched back together, and where things have been too uptight will burst at the seams for you to reprioritise them. In this first week of July with the moon in its full moon phase, we are bringing our personal goals into alignment once again. Nurture the things that you want to grow that you have been neglecting in yourself. You may have been focusing on things that are not as important as other things. We don’t want to live with any regrets so now is the time to have the courage to move towards what it is you truly want by nurturing those things. There is success in the quietness of discerning what you want. Meditate to decide where your focus will go. Prosperity is on its way to you; you are beginning to prosper.

July Forecast
Card of the Week: Masters

The Masters card comes up for you because you are being asked to be very clear and decisive about what you want. You are the master of your destiny and once you decide and see what you want to focus on, the Universe will conspire to help you.

Full Moon: July

This full moon is about releasing everything that has made you feel that you lack safety and security in life. If you feel insecure or unsafe at this time, it does not mean that you actually are. It is a full moon to help you get focused on what will bring you the safety you need.

WEEK TWO: 10 – 16 July

Get collaborating or meeting up with a friend this week. Nurture the team that supports you and prioritise what you haven’t in terms of your social circles. Balance and simplicity is the theme of the week. Infuse creativity into your life. This creativity will come from nurturing the things and people that bring you the most joy. Your knowledge from the previous week is still being solidified with your intent and action. If you have been needing to put money towards something to start saving this is the week to put action behind the intent. Affirm what you want by taking charge and working on your priorities. Simplify to nurture growth.

Be Patient Card
Card of the Week: Be Patient

The patient card comes up to remember that we need to trust the timing of our intentions by letting nature take its course from a place of simplifying and finding joy in the simplest of life’s pleasures as we wait.

WEEK THREE: 17– 23 July

A highly spiritual week to overcome worries by asking for help is a must. There has been an area of your life that you have either deprived or have been depriving yourself and its time to nurture yourself. Do you need a professional? A coach? An accountant? Someone who is specialized in what they do? Start putting feelers out. The saying goes ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears’. Look out for whoever comes your way to help you this week.

There is also a sense of having to forgive and it is in relation to traumas that may have been brought about by generations before. If you are someone with faith, don’t forget that support can come from animals, nature and loved ones that no longer inhabit the earth in bodies. Your spiritual connection and connection to earth is deepening in a week that you are being asked to find peace. We are still powerfully creating our abundance but it’s a balancing act.

New Moon

An emotionally charged New Moon to help you heal and feel safe in what you are creating and who you are creating it with. Intend for abundance and connection with the Universe and receive the support that is there for you.

Card of the Week: Trust

The trust card comes up to honour your inner knowing and what and who is showing up for you in life.

WEEK FOUR: 24 – 31 July

A week of romance and connection that brings with it new opportunities to meet someone romantically or reconnect with your partner. If you have been struggling in this area, perhaps you have missed the opportunity because the focus has been on what’s not going right rather than what is. If you are committed to a relationship or wanting a commitment, it’s time to drop your protection and look at the opportunity you have. There is progress and expansion this week, maybe even an opportunity to travel, or traveling within to recharge. A sense of weightlessness comes once you decide to commit and abundance is reaped. In the space of what feels like a loss is the space to investigate and discern what the sense of loss is asking of you.

Triumph Card
Card of the Week: Triumph

This is a week of overcoming obstacles and recommitting to love and your relationships. You are beginning to overcome areas where you have once felt defeated.

July is a nurturing month. There is a strong theme of looking after what is most important in terms of your priorities. A lot will be revealed to you in terms of where to go and what to do next. Moving into the second half of the year, it is a natural time to re-evaluate to feel a sense of safety in your direction and relationships. Make decisions that are thoroughly felt in your entire being as to what is truly right for you.

Related Article: Gaia Chinniah on her Spiritual Awakening

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