
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs 

Home » Fashion & Beauty » How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs 

5 October 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ingrown hairs are pesky little bumps that form from a strand of hair that can’t break through the top layer of our skin. Often caused by shaving or waxing, it can also become painful when untreated. Luckily, we have compiled some of the best solutions to combat the issues arising from ingrown hairs and some preventative measures for general skin health.

Let’s get into it!

Dry Brushing 

Goop G.Tox Ultimate Dry Brush
Goop G.Tox Ultimate Dry Brush $48 NZD

First and foremost, we have to talk about the benefits of dry brushing. 

Have you ever walked through a beauty store and noticed a strange-looking brush that looks like it should be used on a horse? Well, these natural fibre brushes have been a long-time beauty secret for smooth skin and improving blood circulation. By dragging this brush across your body, you are exfoliating the skin and energising the body with a gentle massage. 

The best part of a dry brush exfoliation is the lack of topical products required. It is a natural remedy that is also eco-friendly! We recommend this practice even if you don’t experience any issues with ingrown hairs, as it is one of the best ways to exfoliate and firm the skin. Some experts even suggest that dry brushing can aid in softening the appearance of cellulite over time. 

The general rule is to brush towards the heart. This means that you should use the brush in an upwards motion on the legs and a downward motion on the shoulders and collarbone area. 

We highly recommend the GOOP G.Tox Ultimate Dry Brush. It has an ergonomically curved brush-head for easy usability, and the bristles aren’t too harsh on the skin.

Ingrown Hair Cream

Malin + Goetz Ingrown Hair Cream
Malin + Goetz Ingrown Hair Cream $66 NZD.

The Malin+Goetz Ingrown Hair Cream is an excellent short-term solution for razor bumps and inflamed ingrown hairs that need a little help. It’s a handy product to have in your cabinet for emergencies. 

While panthenol calms irritation, salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory BHA that gently exfoliates the affected pore. Think of it as an overnight pimple treatment that will help soothe the area and speed up the recovery process. Allantoin further soothes the skin and helps the skin to regenerate faster.

First Aid Beauty Ingrown Hair Pads 

If you are looking for a travel-friendly body exfoliant, check out the First Aid Beauty Ingrown Hair Pads. Instead of carrying around a whole tub of body scrub or a large dry brush, First Aid Beauty offers a space-saving and spill-free body exfoliant that is tough on ingrown hairs and gentle on the rest of the skin. 

Furthermore, the First Aid Beauty Ingrown Hair Pads are a game-changer for people who get bikini waxes. Exfoliating the area with a little pad means that you can get to hard-to-reach areas with precision. 

Using a combination of AHA and BHA exfoliants and packed with antioxidants to protect the skin, these pads are miracle workers for stubborn ingrown hairs.

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