
Meet Kynn’s Sister Duo Bronwyn and Jessica

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3 May 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This week, WOMAN+ has a conversation with Bronwyn and Jessica, both launched the ultra-trendy garden bar Hoppers and followed up with the pizza eatery and bar, Elmos. These sisters mean business and they have turned their Ponsonby venues into the hottest spots in Auckland. These amazing ladies have now ventured into the world of fashion with their latest project – Kynn Wear.

Kynn is a brand new shapewear line that celebrates women of all shapes and sizes, designed and crafted right here in New Zealand. It’s all about promoting self-love, confidence and everyday comfort, with their effortless and comfortable pieces for every body.

WOMAN+ spoke with Jessica and Bronwyn, the duo shares insights on starting a business and offers guidance to women who aspire to be entrepreneurs.

What inspired you both to start a shapewear business? 
We wanted to find solutions and redefine shapewear for every woman. We felt the shapewear category in New Zealand wasn’t cool and wasn’t providing the solutions it should. It’s known for being notoriously uncomfortable, dated, daggy and didn’t feel like it was for everybody. We wanted to make a shapewear brand so desirable and effective you are proud to wear it, it helps you feel sexier, curvier, and more confident.

What sets Kynn apart from other brands in the market?
We feel Kynn has a modern and fun approach to shapewear, that promotes body confidence, comfort, innovation and sustainable practices. Also mostly being made in New Zealand and shown on models and women of all different shapes, sizes, and ethnic backgrounds, we believe it sets us apart from other brands in the market.

With a powerful focus on quality and longevity, all of Kynn’s collections are designed to stand the test of time and are made with enduring materials to feel like a second skin. We are also dedicated to responsible production practices and have committed to making sustainable choices wherever we can, even our packaging uses up to 80% recycled materials.

How do you balance your time between the Kynn and your hospitality hot spots Hoppers & Elmos ? 
It is always a battle balancing it all – prioritising is so important. However I believe surrounding yourself with a supportive team that are just as passionate as you are is the key to balance and success. 

What advice would you give women who want to start a business?
My advice would be to stay true to your values, and be as authentic to yourself as you can possibly be, don’t get me wrong, this is never easy, and means that sometimes you have to go against the grain of what is considered ‘normal’. The goal is to create a business you want to work on everyday, so it doesn’t feel like a job but a lifestyle. 

What has been the biggest milestone for both of your careers so far? 
I think it’s a collection of milestones over the years, we have worked so hard and have come so far, it is always extremely rewarding when you get to watch your ideas come to life. Seeing people enjoy a space or a product you have created. 

Who would be your dream person to see wearing Kynn? 
It would have to be Ashley Graham, she would be one of the leading advocates for body positivity and inclusion in the world right now and is so reflective of our values at Kynn.  She refuses to get her photos retouched or edited and that’s just one of the ways she encourages people to be comfortable in every shape and size.

Profile: Plant Based Milk Mother Daughter Duo

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