
Homemade Pork and Courgette Sausages With Peach Salsa

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25 January 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I love me a homemade sausage! It means you can control what goes into them – like stuffing them full of vegetables. Yum.

Serves 2



200g pork mince
11⁄2 cups grated courgette, squeezed to remove some liquid
1⁄2 cup fresh breadcrumbs
2 teaspoons cumin seeds, toasted
1⁄4 teaspoon sea salt and 1⁄4 teaspoon white pepper
1⁄2 red capsicum, roughly chopped
Oil for frying

Peach salsa

2 peaches, peeled and diced
2 teaspoons finely diced red onion
Small handful coriander leaves and stalks, sliced Juice from a lime
Warm tortilla to serve

Lime wedges to serve


1. Make the sausages by taking half the mince and grinding it to a finer consistency in a food processor.

2. Mix this in a bowl with the remaining pork mince, courgette, breadcrumbs, cumin seeds and seasoning until combined. Slap the mixture about in the bowl to activate the proteins, as this will help the sausages hold together.

3. Fry a little piece of mixture in a pan to make sure you’ve got the seasonings just right, then shape the rest into 4-6 sausages.

4. Fry in oil, along with the capsicum, until all the sides are browned, then lower the heat to cook them through – about 10 minutes.

5. While the sausages cook, make the salsa by placing all the ingredients in a bowl. Taste after 10-12 minutes and adjust the seasoning with more salt or lime as needed.

6. Serve the sausages with capsicums, tortilla and salsa.

Nici’s note:

Sneak vegetables into meat dishes to increase your plant intake.

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