Celebrate International Women’s Day with these simple ways to show love to the ladies in your life.
Who runs the world? Girls! Beyoncé was right, of course – women really do make the world go around. And with International Women’s Day on March 8, there’s no better time to reflect on all the amazing wāhine in your life.
You know the ones I’m talking about: those who lift you up when you’re down, the ones who make you laugh until you cry and the women who would literally do anything for you.
Creating and nurturing our female relationships is important for our wellbeing, and studies suggest we actually need these connections – more so than men (believe it or not). They increase your sense of belonging and purpose, boost happiness, reduce stress, help you cope with the tough times in life (love, loss, trauma, illness) and encourage you to engage in better lifestyle habits. Those with more connections are proven to live longer too.
But when life becomes all too consuming, it’s often our leading ladies who fall to the bottom of the priority list. Why? Of course we know they will understand. Never casting judgement or giving you the cold shoulder, our mums, aunts, sisters, grannies and besties understand the juggle. Life, kids, work… there’s no need to explain when things start getting on top of us.
Remember, International Women’s Day isn’t just about the inspirational women we admire from afar, like Michelle Obama, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and our cover star, Helen Clark – it’s also about celebrating the women we encounter every day. The ones volunteering their time to help others in need, making extra lunches for their kids’ friends, or just genuinely being a good sort.
Women are quite incredible in so many ways and today is the perfect time to celebrate them. So, here’s to women – including you!
Create traditions
In the busyness of life, it’s easy to let certain friendships or catch-ups slide. But creating rituals is a great way to ensure you maintain the bonds you have with the ladies in your life. A monthly book club, Secret Santa at Christmas, or twice-yearly girls weekend away means it’s scheduled and planned for, and less likely to get sidelined. Better yet, it gives us all something to look forward to.
Share & ask for help
What builds trust? Vulnerability and connection. Opening up and sharing with our nearest and dearest brings us closer. Women love helping other women, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or you need a hand, don’t be afraid to ask for help. What goes around comes around!
Women love helping other women, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or you need a hand, don’t be afraid to ask for help
Be kind
Queens fix each other’s crowns! There’s never a need for gossip or put downs. Kindness is at the core of every good friendship, so think of it as an emotional bank account: every act of kindness, expression of gratitude or time spent are deposits into this account. Criticism and negativity only draw from this account.
Reach out
New mums will know what I’m talking about here: that nerve-wracking feeling when you turn up alone to a coffee group or play session for the first time. But what a difference it can make when someone makes an effort to say hello and instigate a chat.
So, the next time you see someone alone, even a stranger, reach out with a warm smile – it may be all that person needs to get them through the day.
Random acts
We all love a surprise, so how about doing something unexpected for a woman you love? Pop a gift in the post to someone who lives afar, randomly buy a coffee for a colleague, whip up some home baking for a fellow mum, or pass on a book you’ve loved. Acts of kindness make us all feel good, and will be appreciated long after the kind gesture has been received.