a jar of beetroot jam

Beetroot Jam

Home » Food » Beetroot Jam

19 May 2022

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Who would have thought beetroot jam could become something you could not live without. Well after trying this recipe we are convinced that this would be amazing on absolutely everything.

Makes 8 x 300ml jars | Prep time 10 mins | Cook time 40 mins


  • 1kg beetroot, peeled and grated
  • 500g brown onions, peeled and sliced
  • Malt vinegar (see method)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons pickling spice powder
  • 2 tablespoons cornflour

Method for Beetroot Jam

1. Place beetroot and onion into a large, heavy-based pot. Cover two-thirds with vinegar, and then add sugar, salt and spice. Boil for 30 minutes, or until beetroot is cooked.

2. Mix cornflour with a little cold water and stir into the beetroot. Bring back to the boil to thicken and pour into hot, sterilised jars. Seal with clean, dry, sterilised lids and keep for up to 18 months.

Recipe extracted with permission from Riverstone Kitchen: Modern-Day Classics by Bevan Smith
(Distributed by Upstart Press, $44.99)

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