Astrology Fix: Pisces Season

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14 March 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pisces season; the season of turmoil, increased emotional intuition and self-reflection. 

Pisces season is my favourite astrological season, being my home sun sign. As a self proclaimed astrology queen, I had to discuss the vibe of this season. It started when the sun entered the mystical water sign of Pisces on February 19th, and will end on exit on or around March 20. 

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, making it intrinsically more intuitive and empathetic than the other signs of the zodiac. It also embodies the lessons and characteristics of all 11 signs which come before it.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planet of Neptune. This means that by its very nature, Pisces is compassionate, emotional, intuitive, deeply feeling and slightly psychic. Neptune is the planet of inspiration and ideas, and Pisces is the ruler of wisdom. As a mutable sign, it’s known to be flexible and adaptable and hold a willingness to learn. So far, Pisces season 2023 has had me called to focus on my own self-reflective, healing personality. Being part way through Pisces season, I have felt far more emotional and dreamy than I have in the last 6 months, and extremely in tune with the energy around me and how I’m making people feel.

What sets apart Pisces season in 2023 is that Saturn is also in Pisces (something that hasn’t happened since 1996). As a Pisces who was born in 1996, this is a pretty rare orbit. Saturn is the planet of karma and restriction, whilst the sign of Pisces is inherently generous and compassionate. This transit means that in general, what’s an emotional and intuitive time may actually be a resurgence of past storylines and unfinished business coming back around. Moreover, this will impact everybody because it calls to action that new lessons need to be learned, and to stop perceiving things to be a certain way but move past this to actually put things into action.

This Saturn orbit is extra spicy because it will be reunited with Neptune. Both planets haven’t been in Pisces together since 1847-1849. Neptune made its way to Pisces again in 2012, and will remain there until 2026. Similarly, Saturn once in Pisces will remain in Pisces until 2026. The effect of this is that the planet of inspiration will be put through the ringer of restriction and boundaries. It’ll be important to focus on your own mechanisms to deal with stress, overwhelming factors and anxiety.

While Pisces season will impact all signs in different ways, the mutable signs of the Zodiac being Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius will be the most impacted. 

For Pisces, although it’s an exciting time being the birth month, this comes with its own anxieties and stress. This may call to reflect on the direction of your life, but this reflection will also be accompanied by a fresh burst of energy and a new perspective. 

For Gemini and Virgo, this could manifest as more challenging and call you to reflect on a crisis or force you to deal with a situation that’s been ignored. 

For Sagittarius, this time is important to focus more on responsibility for yourself and tend to deeper parts of your home and personal life. 

Whatever Pisces season has in store for you – you can get through it!

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