Radio host Jay-Jay Feeney’s exhausting work schedule means it’s hard to find the energy to exercise, but at least there’s time in the mornings for life admin and hanging out with the Sydney silky she shares with her ex-husband.
I get up… It should be illegal to get up before 8am. After doing over 20 years of breakfast radio and 5am starts, I now sleep in until I feel like getting up.
The first thing I do is… take my dog out for a wee (if he’s with me) and check my phone for overnight news.
My breakfast is usually… Vegemite on toast and a trim latte.
My morning is spent… preparing for my radio show – sending any thoughts and ideas through to our show group chat and scrolling online for inspiration. It’s also the only time I have to cram in appointments like hair, waxing, brows, doctor etc. I’m at work from noon until 7pm each day, so I only have mornings for life admin.
Lunchtime means… getting to work and planning the show. Sometimes I take lunch, sometimes I order Uber Eats, just whatever is most convenient.
By 2 pm I’m… almost ready to go on air. This is when we meet with the boss and talk him through our show plan and record any last-minute interviews.
Most days I’ll be… at More FM. My job does consume me, but I genuinely love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Somedays I’m… tired and grumpy. But I’m a woman after all!
At 5pm I’ll be… in the middle of the show – 5pm is the peak time when people are leaving work and getting in their cars. Most radio listening is done in cars.
I like to spend my evenings… on the couch with a wine and a good TV show. After work I’m so exhausted and don’t feel like talking to anyone any more.
But sometimes I’ll… go out with friends, or have friends over. My life is pretty simple during the week.
I’m in bed by… between 10.30pm and 11.30pm mostly. It depends if I’m hooked on something gripping on TV.
My bed time routine is… teeth, face, clothes off, lights out.
My Sydney silky dog Kanye… lives with my ex-husband, Dom, but because Dom works at 5am and Kanye hates being alone, Dom drops him to me on his way to work and I drop him back on my way to work at midday. It’s a great arrangement. Kanye only stays over if Dom is busy at night or away.
The one thing I would like to change about my daytime routine is… exercise. I would love to get into the habit of doing that first thing in the morning, but I find it really hard to get motivated.