Daiquiri cocktail in a gold-rimmed glass

The original daiquiri cocktail recipe

Home » Jacinda Ardern » The original daiquiri cocktail recipe

7 January 2021

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Rum, lime and sugar are often referred to as the “holy trinity” of Caribbean cocktails, and the daiquiri is one of the most iconic examples of this genre.

Origin: Cuba, pre-prohibition

The name daiquiri is taken from a mining town in Cuba where American expat Jennings Cox claimed to have created it in the late 1890s, but the basic combination is much older than that. This recipe is for the classic shaken drink.


60ml white rum

30ml fresh lime juice

22ml simple syrup

Lime slice, to garnish


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds, or until frosted on the outside.
  2. Strain into a glass.
  3. Garnish with a slice of lime.
  • Pour into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
  • Use aged rum instead of white rum, or a combination of rums.
  • Add a few mint leaves, fresh berries or other fruit to the shaker. Double strain.
  • Blend with 180ml crushed ice until smooth and pour unstrained into a coupe.
  • For a wintry version, use aged rum, add 7ml allspice liqueur, and reduce simple syrup to 15ml. Or use 22ml of cinnamon syrup.

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