Nici Wickes’ Seasonal Green Goodies

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11 December 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This plate of seasonal greens with a scrumptious tahini dressing and freshly toasted walnuts is an easy side dish that goes with everything.

Serves 6+


Greens – asparagus, snow peas, peas and beans

½ cup walnuts, toasted 

Salt and pepper to season 

Olive oil for drizzling

Tahini cream

3 tablespoons tahini

1 cup plain thick yoghurt

1 garlic clove, finely grated

2 tablespoons lemon juice

½ teaspoon sea salt


1. You can make the tahini cream up to a few days ahead of when you need it, if you like. Whisk together all the ingredients until smooth, thin with ice-cold water if too thick, and season to taste. 

2. Steam or briefly boil your greens (don’t overdo them as they will lose their sprightly bite and colour), then drain immediately.

3. To serve, spread half of the tahini dressing onto the serving plate. Top with greens, then drizzle the remaining dressing over them. Scatter toasted walnuts over top, season with salt and freshly ground pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.  

Nici’s note

This dish can be served warm or at room temperature if you want to take the pressure off. 


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