
Over the Hedge: Fashion for the change in seasons

Home » Aroha Awarau » Over the Hedge: Fashion for the change in seasons

21 August 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Romantic outdoors meets suburban utopia. Tweeds and checks and knitted tops as soft as a baby chick. The warmth of a woollen skirt. The one dress that turns chores into dreamy scenes from a high country station. Baggy trousers. The sheer joy of a yellow raincoat glazed with hose water beside a green hedge.

Photography: Luke Harvey
Model: Scarlett Tetley-Jones
Make-up: Natalie Dent
Art direction: Tori Siviter
Styling & words: Susanna Andrew

Kate Sylvester denim dress, $419; Kate Sylvester Cora top, $299; Kate Sylvester Hudson coat, $499.

Twenty Seven Names Drifting blouse, $440;
vintage skirt from Mercy Hospice.

Kate Sylvester Waffle stripe jumper, $259;
R.M. Williams Bamaga culottes, $349;
Videris Angela bra, $95.

Penny Sage Cleo dress, $420;
vintage coat from Mercy Hospice.

R.M. Williams Charlton top, $369;
Penny Sage Dreyfus jeans, $375.

Penny Sage Parker knit top in cocoa, $296; vintage skirt from Mercy Hospice.

Kate Sylvester Dimity dress, $349.

R.M. Williams Charlton top, $369;
Penny Sage Dreyfus jeans, $375.

Penny Sage raincoat, $602;
Penny Sage hat, $126.

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