June energy forecast from Gaia Chinniah

Written by: Gaia Chinniah

Gaia Chinniah is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy. Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to help us to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this June Energy Forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.

WEEK ONE: June 1 – 9 

It’s always a great fresh start to start a new month with a new moon! This is a particularly potent one as the last few have been more of a release where traditionally new moons are to intend and start again. This is what we have this week: a new moon for setting new intentions! 

Your intuition is speaking to you, and we are being asked to listen to it and our subconscious minds.  Before you plan more for the future or progress, listen to what you really know in your gut about this. Your inner feelings do matter and they make all the difference if your intentions will have the outcome you want. We are being asked to be aware of what these feelings are as your feelings are communicating with the Universe to deliver that to you.

We want what is lying underneath what we say and how we behave to be the truth of what we want. Sometimes things can be an illusion. We look and want something but underneath that is a whole other world that you may or may not want to fully commit to. 

There is a deep energy to hold the space open to receive and call in. Like a mother nurturing a child and encouraging their gifts; encourage and nurture yours. What are your gifts? How can you encourage yourself to be more of that? Call back your power from the things and people who have taken it and be strong standing on your own, in your own power. You are completing a cycle and there is more clarity coming in. Communication is key and your leadership is important to get to the truth. Sometimes standing alone is stronger than standing with others who are not on the same page.

Card of the week: Silver Linings

The silver lining card comes in to show you that there is a reward with anything in your life that has felt like a loss, this is what was lying underneath an experience. See that silver lining as the clarity you need to intend and progress yourself.

New Moon – June 6 New Moon in Gemini

This new moon is a time for you to come back to center and use polarising experiences and feelings to intend what you want to call into your space. What is reality and what is an illusion – feel into it before you intend.

Week Two: June 10 – 16 

Your gut instincts will be strong this week and it will be telling you if someone is telling the truth or trying to make you believe something that they cannot follow through on. Keep in mind, this may also be all about being accountable to yourself! 

If you are feeling exhausted trust in the natural support the universe offers us through showing us the truth in people. We sometimes need to accept the truth rather than alter and change it. The truth in people is also the opposite of this where people will be offering support. Just make sure they can be as accountable as they say they are. Action speaks louder than words. Try not to get caught up in talking about people as someone may not be who they seem to be and may misconstrue what you say. Use your gut instincts as to who you confide in. There are cycles repeating to keep life in motion. Affirm the things you want and not what you do not want.

Have self-respect and know yourself and what you stand for with your values. This is a week of overcoming obstacles and clearing to get to what you want to affirm in life from the new moon intentions. 

Card of the week: Water

The water card comes up as a reminder that emotions want to be acknowledged, cleanse them by speaking, moving, purifying yourself in water and don’t let them dwell. Emotions come up to be cleared and processed.

Week Three: June 17 – 23

You have overcome a lot and you will see that your resilience and courage were being tested as you see how all your decisions have lead you to this moment. Even if the decisions at the time were difficult you are starting to reap the rewards.

You still have your knowing and you are being guided very clearly. Use your voice and choose the life you want, prioritise what you want and need. Consciously being in the flow and seeing what new experiences, opportunities and new friendships might come in. It is the solstice energy so there is magic in the air too. It is a time when the triumph of light over darkness is celebrated. During the winter solstice, we celebrate the rebirth of the sun.

During the summer solstice, we celebrate the sun reaching its highest point in the sky as a symbol of its growth and power. Keep your heart open and don’t fight your feelings of wanting more depth and vulnerability. There is positive energy to help you celebrate the big and small wins in life.

Card of the week: Triumph

The triumph card comes in to remind us that obstacles are shifting and that you have overcome a major feat that is going to work to your advantage.

Full Moon in Capricorn – June 22

This full moon requires you to dig deep within to find your own sense of self validation. Release all the expectations of others and clear the space for reaping your growth as person fully in their power.

WEEK FOUR: June 24 – 30 

You will need to be a bit more disciplined than usual this week and if you already are disciplined, spirit is asking you to take a reprieve as you already have enough discipline to serve you. If there are any delays; those who are disciplined may be feeling stuck and those who require more discipline may feel stuck from not having been prepared.  

Be decisive and choose your words, try to stick to facts and offer resources of support to coworkers, friends and family. You might feel like you are the only one that seems to be able to see what is needed but it is a week of leadership and you are asked to be in the teacher role and try not to alienate others. This may mean leading yourself too. We are writing a story and we want it to be an unfolding of true friendship and comradery. Be proud of who you are and where you are going, take some time out if you need it as discipline is the pre-requisite of motivation. Too much can cause burn out too little doesn’t get us anywhere.

Card of the week: Water

Water what you want to see grow. If we water too much, we can ruin growth but just enough will keep things in balance. Allow some dry days before you water again.

The whole month of June has a lot of healing energy to restore any sense of loss or disappointment we have experienced in the past. It is a time to incentivise ourselves and the people around us where that is applicable and reap rewards. This is a month where things become clearer and life begins to make sense as to why the sequence of events had to happen to experience the gifts.

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