
How to make a fresh flower crown in 4 simple steps

Home » Colleen Coffey » How to make a fresh flower crown in 4 simple steps

7 January 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Georgie Malyon shares her royal floral secrets on how to reign supreme as the king or queen of your castle. Here’s how to make a whimsical flower crown.

‘It’s time for your coronation! Hold court in the garden, Queen of the Fairies style, or host an Easter dinner party and make one for each guest.’

1 Gather together green florist wire, green florist tape, ribbon and a selection of flowers. I used roses, statice, hydrangeas and orchids. Choose flowers that are approximately the same size – although larger blooms such as hydrangeas can be broken into small pieces.

Selection of flowers for flower crown

2 Cut a piece of florist wire that is approximately the circumference of your head (measure it around your head) plus an additional 20cm. Bend the wire at each end of your frame into loops large enough to thread ribbon through, then twist the ends together to secure them in place.

3 Strip any foliage off your flowers and trim the stems so they’re around 5-10cm long. Cut florist wire into 10cm pieces. Bend a hook shape into one end of a piece of wire. Pop the top of the flower stem into the base of the hook, then twist the hook end around the stem. Alternatively, pierce the stem with wire, then twist the wire around it. Wrap floral tape around the top wired section of the flower stem, then cut off the rest of the stem.

4 Wrap florist’s tape around your wire frame, starting just under the loop at one end and wrapping the tape around until you reach the base of the other loop. Leave the tape attached, then start taping the individual wired flower stems onto the frame, overlapping each stem until the frame is covered and there are no gaps.

5 Once you have good flower coverage, tie a piece of ribbon through each loop so you can comfortably secure your crown around your head. It’s time for your coronation! Hold court in the garden, Queen of the Fairies style, or host an Easter dinner party and make one for each guest. Re-name everyone for the evening with flower crown-worthy names such as Titania, Sweet Pea or Dewdrop.

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