Hot and sour prawns and cucumber on a black plate

Hot And Sour Prawn And Cucumber Salad Recipe

Home » Food » Hot And Sour Prawn And Cucumber Salad Recipe

14 September 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is a delightful, sparky little dish that takes care of a surplus of cucumbers and refreshes the palate beautifully.

Serves 4


2 long cucumbers

500g sustainably farmed or caught cooked prawns

1⁄4 cup lime or lemon juice

2 teaspoons fish sauce

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1-2 teaspoons brown sugar, or to taste

Pinch chilli flakes

1⁄4 cup raw roasted peanuts

1-2 red chillies, thinly sliced


1. Use a peeler to remove cucumber skin. Halve lengthwise, then use a teaspoon to run down the middle to remove seeds (see note). Slice thinly.

2. Prepare prawns by running a sharp knife down the back of each prawn to remove the vein. This also opens them up a bit to absorb the dressing flavours.

3. Make dressing in a bowl by whisking together lime juice, fish sauce, sesame oil, sugar and chilli flakes. Taste – it should be sweet, sour, salty and hot – and adjust seasoning as needed. Add cucumber, prawns, roasted peanuts and chopped chilli and toss to coat.

4. Transfer to a serving dish or plate up as individual portions.

Nici’s note:

Use the discarded cucumber seeds for a refreshing drink with watermelon, lime juice and crushed ice.

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