Astrologer Colleen Coffey has surveyed the skies and has some intel for the month ahead.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
Libra Ingress September 23, 2022, the spring equinox, 3.31pm NZT
The Sun crosses the celestial equator into the cardinal air sign Libra – for one second in time, night and day are equally balanced in both hemispheres. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, those born under the influence of the Scales have a well-honed appreciation of style, an inherent sense of fair play, and an insatiable desire to fight for peace. The Libra call sign is “I balance”.
Many happy returns, Libra woman, may your birthday month be filled with charm and grace. Your lovely Venus is locked away in the area of private thoughts so expect a somewhat reflective start to the month and perhaps indecision about the way forward. Don’t stress, it will pass as September closes – Venus moves into Libra and joins hands with the Sun until well past the month’s end. This brings a sense of wellbeing and easy interaction with others. But it’s vital you keep your feet on the ground. Neptune the dream-maker and Jupiter the ultimate optimist are pushing you to take big steps, but small steps are safer until October 8 when wise and wily Saturn moves in to support Venus, bringing better times to activate plans and/or dreams. Watch power struggles around the Full Moon on October 10 – balance and compromise may be better than a win. The month closes gently, leaving you in a good place.
Oct 23 – Nov 22

This Solar month is a kaleidoscope of changing planetary patterns which will have you on your toes from beginning to end. However, this could be the month when previous hard work pays dividends, courtesy of an exceptional alliance between ancient ruler Mars and Saturn, the planet of stability, plus some crafty interaction between your dual rulers Mars and Pluto. Step back from confused vibes around the Full Moon on October 10, play the diplomat card, and don’t be tempted to prove your strength just because you can! October 17 sees a cluster of planets form a link in the highly communicative air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) providing open communication on all levels. Use it at work, use it at home and play to make a successful month also an enjoyable one.
Nov 23 – Dec 21

It may take effort to maintain your usual upbeat disposition all month. Your gregarious ruler Jupiter is in fiery Aries, in the house of play and pleasure. You have buoyant vibes around you, but the lack of planetary connections to Jupiter indicates that you are short on playmates. There is frustration around your career at the beginning of the month, courtesy of a retrograde Mercury (communications). This means changes and resets. The influence will weaken around October 4 when Mercury turns direct, but expect the shadow to linger. The Full Moon on October 10 incorporates Venus (love/relating) and falls on the friendship/love axis – create your own fun and celebrate what you have – put on your happy hat and be ready for next month.
Dec 22 – Jan 19

The Libra Sun sits high in your house of career and public acclaim, and your tactical ruler Saturn has a special connection to Mars/action. It’s time to override the hold-ups and blockages, engage your natural problem-solving skills and do what you know has to be done. The New Moon on September 26 is another indicator for you to grab the reins and lead the way, but it might be a case of try and try again until Mercury turns direct on October 4. A link from the Sun to Saturn and Mars on October 5 will boost your confidence, and a link to Venus (relating) will boost your working team. Mercury (communications) will connect, making it a combo of five planets which will see the month end happily and successfully.
Jan 20 – Feb 18

A month with both difficulties and prospects. Ride out the continuing stand-off between your rulers, conservative Saturn and revolutionary Uranus, and concentrate on a brilliant counterbalancing connection between Saturn and Mars (action). This is a great aspect to get things done and it continues well past the month’s end, so push it and gain a creative edge! The New Moon on September 26 highlights things foreign or any form of higher education, a good time for a spring holiday or better still, some extra study or learning. On October 5, the Sun and Venus (authority and beauty) followed by communicative Mercury, link into the Mars/Saturn connection. This makes a gang of five planets in rational air signs – perfect for bringing the month to a successful close.
Feb 19 – Mar 20

This Solar month may feel a little arduous. Nothing specific, just a feeling that you are pushing much harder than necessary to get to where you want to be. The prevailing influence is a challenging connection between Mars (action) and your rulers Neptune (inspiration) and Jupiter (aspiration). If you let it, this will frustrate you, but if you accept the challenge and push through you will find that you achieve more than would have been possible if the planetary alignment had been perfect – and the sense of achievement will be huge! Cooperation from others will improve when Mercury goes direct on October 4. By the Full Moon on October 10, you will have the hang of the vibes and drive the month to a buoyant end.
Mar 21 – Apr 19

Communication and interacting with others at home, work or play will be highlighted. Optimistic Jupiter, the planet of plenty, is in your personal sector, and in your sign – expect busy and buoyant. Couple this with your ruler Mars in an unusually productive alliance with structured, diligent Saturn, and you will find the more you push, the more you achieve. The warning is to keep your aspirations and plans realistic. There is a deceptive influence courtesy of Neptune that could undermine the positive, so don’t buy into schemes that common sense tells you are risky. Watch argumentative situations around “small stuff” at the Full Moon on October 10 – instead, concentrate on good vibes. The odd tweak or adjustment around power at work will round your month off in style.
Apr 20 – May 20

Venus, your lovely lady ruler, starts the month in earthy Virgo, with terse planetary connections – challenging aspect to Mars/action in the money sector and unrealistic expectations courtesy of Neptune – keep an eye on spending. On September 29, Venus moves into airy Libra and joins up with the Sun. This will lighten the mood – the focus changes to work, service, or health. On October 8, Venus links with Saturn/stability, followed by Mars/action, creating a complex but brilliant link between work, career and money. It may be tangible or a working environment where you feel valued and even take on added responsibility. Make adjustments where needed – avoid power plays as a month that had a rough start ends smoothly.
May 21 – Jun 21

It’s a dizzy spin for you this month – the scene changes almost daily with more than a touch of déjà vu as your fleet-footed ruler Mercury jumps from Libra to Virgo and back again. Mars, the “doing planet” is in your most personal sector with a superb connection to Saturn, the planet of stability and structure. If you want to get something done, do it now! Especially as Uranus (innovative brilliance) is influencing your thought process until October 15 with a focus on creativity. Just be mindful that other planetary forces also have you in their sights – Neptune/illusion and Jupiter/optimism are playing a tantalisingly seductive game with Mercury. Keep your wits about you, don’t succumb to flattery, and if possible don’t commit or promise until after October 4 when Mercury turns direct – otherwise, all good!
Jun 22 – Jul 22

This Solar month sees a strong split between career and home life. The Moon, your ruler, is initially in the finance sector in masterful Leo, indicating an emphasis on career. This is reinforced by Jupiter/expansion in the career house, signalling this area as the one you wish to grow and advance. If this is so, remember you must be open and ready to move when the opportunity presents itself. The New Moon swings back to domestic issues, perhaps showing a dilemma or illustrating the natural balance of your life. If the Solar month asks about your priorities, it is the third quarter Moon phase which provides the answer. The Moon in Cancer and your most personal sector states clearly that the call must always be yours!
Jul 23 – Aug 22

Your authoritative ruler, the Sun, sits in the house of communication and spends much of the month travelling hand-in-hand with the lovely lady Venus. Both are linked harmoniously to the other air signs – via Mars/action in Gemini in the friendship sector and Saturn/stability in Aquarius in the house of partnership. This bodes well for a month of extremely good interaction and communication on all levels. Mercury is in retrograde until October 4, so changes will happen but catch-up and reset will be super fast after October 12. Mercury moves into Libra and joins the bundle of planets in air signs. Don’t get get overzealous. The vibes are good, but keep a sense of perspective, and as the month ends, keep an eye on power-plays, courtesy of Pluto. A good month!
Aug 23 – Sep 22

A pleasant start to the month – you have things on the drawing board and expectations are high but you feel you are treading water, compliments of a retrograde Mercury in Virgo. It won’t last and with a powerful link to Pluto (regeneration), it’s not likely to have lasting effects. September 28 brings challenge and assistance to your ruler Mercury, the former via a pesky Mars connection and the latter via a brilliant Uranus aspect. The combination will give you the boost you have been waiting for, but it’s not on automatic download – you must push it to ignite it. On October 1, Mercury turns direct and moves into lovely Libra on October 12 – both you and Mercury will coast to month’s end without further planetary interference.