Cherie Metcalfe’s Iced Tea Punch

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5 January 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This non-alcoholic punch is a delicious refreshing bev I dreamed up for my mocktail mates. I love the mint, tea and berry combo and it’s not too sweet either. Try it with ginger ale for another twist!

Makes 5 drinks


5 berry teabags

1 cup boiling water

1 Tbsp honey


1 cup frozen or fresh berries

Juice of 1 lemon

1 handful fresh mint

4 cups soda water


1. Place teabags in a small jug, add boiling water and allow to brew for 5 minutes.

2. Remove teabags, giving them a good squeeze. 

3. Add honey to jug and stir to dissolve. Allow to cool. 

4. Fill a large jug with ice. Add berries, lemon juice and mint.

5. Add honey tea and top with soda water. Serve immediately.

Bestselling author Cherie Metcalfe is a trained chef and the creator of Pepper & Me, a successful food brand, with a range of delicious products that help make meal preparation easier and tastier. Pepper & Me’s range of products – including rubs, spices, butters, pastes and grinds – are sold online and via stockists nationwide. Cherie lives in Tauranga. Together: Food for Sharing is her second cookbook, with photography by Melanie Jenkins and styling by Jo Bridgford. (Allen & Unwin, RRP $49.95).

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