August Energy Forecast 2024

Written by: Gaia Chinniah

Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy ® when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. She sees your soul blueprint. She reminds you who you are in a very practical way. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. She has created a spiritual guidance app and is the founder of Spiritual Health Magazine to help others understand their journey. Each month Gaia provides a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. for her Spiritual Guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app store.

Monthly Mantra 

Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to help us navigate life daily without resistance. To use this forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you. 


WEEK ONE: July 29 – August 4

We have a powerful month ahead and we are being asked to use our minds wisely to get things in order and to do what makes sense and feels right for you. This week begins with us being grateful for what we have. There may be some changes in the body this week either high energy or susceptibility to some hormonal imbalances, pay attention to what your body is telling you. When there are spiritual upgrades taking place, the body can feel a bit of out balance. There might be some conflicts, either inner conflict or with someone but check in on yourself to ensure it is not a resistance to change and if it is allow yourself to release, transition and alchemize.

We also have Mercury going into retrograde on August 4 which can cause some communication breakdowns and increases the potential for misunderstandings. This means in order to avoid those misunderstandings or conflicts, prior to communication we must take time to achieve clarity and extra time also needs to be allowed for people to receive and process what you are saying. Trust that delays are for the best outcome! Mercury Retrograde from August 4 to August 27 offers a powerful period for introspection, reassessment, and realignment. Remember to plan ahead, communicate clearly, and use this time for reflection and growth. Embrace the lessons Mercury Retrograde brings, and you’ll emerge from this period with a deeper understanding of yourself and your path forward.

Card of the week: Abundance

The Abundance card comes up as this week begins the energy of August which is to bring in more wealth. What you decide to do this week will be setting you up to generate more.

New Moon – August 4

Allow yourself to intend with this new moon phase from a place of knowing both what you want and what is right for you. Even if you feel a bit unstable or unsafe; you will be able to accept what has to happen and what you need to hear to come back to a place of improving and progressing.


WEEK TWO: August 5 – 11 

A powerful week with the Lionsgate Portal on August 8, and in the year of the 8! Astrologically, Sirius is associated with qualities similar to those of Jupiter and Mars, bringing together Jupiter’s expansive, luck-bringing energy and the action-oriented, passionate energy of Mars.

You are safe and angels in all forms will be presenting themselves to show you that a miracle is on the way. There is a lot of wealth and abundance to be reaped this week. If you need to talk about money and wealth, ask for a raise or want to grow your money then this is the week to do it! There might be a new financial opportunity presented which enables you to step up. It is not the best time to be signing anything new but this re-evaluation of what you want your path to be will help motivate you. If any confusion arises it is because you are meant to use the Mercury Retrograde energy to slow down and process things in order to have the best outcome. Your path is being cleared and you are not alone! Express, explore and then surrender your concerns.

Card of the week: Transformation

The Transformation card comes up to remind us that with this powerful infinite 8 energy we are growing and expanding in ways that are going to help us gain momentum to reach new heights.


WEEK THREE: August 12 -18 

Focusing on order and re-ordering your life will be important this week. This might mean practical structure or mental order, but we need to close out some of our old life to bring in the new aspects.

Old challenges are beginning to resolve and we might be revisiting some old feelings of being let down but it’s important to come back to a place of balance. You might find yourself needing to throw or donate old things that remind you of someone you once were. Spirit says to create ceremonies this week, this might be as simple as a ceremony or ritual for rest and sleep. Fill your life with the presence of the divine and use any down time to heal yourself. This week is about building up your inner strength and feeling abundant and whole internally so it can transpire externally. Treat this week as a preparation week for something more to fill the space. There will be this ‘push and pull’ feeling or leaving behind the old and bringing in the new.

Card of the week: Earth

The Earth card comes up to remind us to feel more connected to our spiritual purpose here on earth but getting our physical surroundings in order. Use the earth’s energy to remind yourself that you are supported.


WEEK FOUR: August 19 – 25 

There is some excitement this week. Perhaps some sort of adventure or celebration! You are being asked to share your knowledge and wisdom with others. Life is coming to a head this week where you may get an opportunity to shine and share in small or big ways. Spirit says be in the flow to give and receive. There will be an in-between bridge presented for you to love and accept yourself and others. If you are wanting to teach or help people then this is the week to do that and step up to the task. Take some time to recuperate and ground into who you are and what you are creating. Answers will be presenting themselves to you in that space of recuperation.

Card of the week: Be Patient

Be patient with yourself and others. This week will be about you rising up but sometimes it takes some time for others to meet you where you are at. Love and accept them anyway.

Full Moon – August 19

We have a super blue full moon encouraging a big release but also giving us the extra power to create freedom. We will be releasing layers of what has held us back and a new foundation of abundance and wealth is on the horizon.


WEEK FIVE: August 26 – September 1 

Stand strong in your power this week and focus on the various purposes you have in your life. You might find yourself being the voice of reason and activating a strength you forgot you had or perhaps you didn’t know you had. There may be a repeated event that historically has happened, but this time it is asking you to feel safe in knowing that you have the ability to break the old cycles now. Mercury Retrograde ends this week and there are more choices beginning to present themselves to help you feel safe and secure. If you walk away from something or someone, hold your head high in pride and nurture yourself. This transitionary phase is about to end and align you with who you want to be.


Card of the week: Back Yourself

Backing yourself will be a very important energy for this transitionary week from August to September. Allow yourself to feel heard and remain strong in your decisions this week. 



The month of August is a very powerful month with several opportunities to be reaped and rewarded. Mercury’s chaos will only come in if we resist the inevitable or get irritated with delays that are presented. Use any momentum you get to grow and any down time to heal. Use this month to finally tie up those loose ends, clear the clutter and get back into balance with a full life and re-evaluated purpose.



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