Astrologer Colleen Coffey has surveyed the skies and has some intel for the month ahead.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
Gemini Ingress June 21, 22, at 9.14pm NZT
The sun moves into the cardinal water sign of Cancer, marking the winter solstice and the southern hemisphere’s shortest day. Ruled by the beautiful, ever-changing moon, those born under the influence of the crab are tenacious, empathetic and extremely caring. The Cancer call is “I feel”.
Many happy returns, Cancer Woman. Your special month starts with your ruler, the beautiful moon, in fiery Aries, with the focus on your career and public front. This is a gentle reminder that although the world may celebrate you as the quintessential earth mother, your tenacious nature and undeniable work ethic put you high on the list of successful professional women. The new moon on June 29 highlights you, with the key word being excess, courtesy of expansive Jupiter. If this refers to work and stress, then step back and smell the roses, as it is your birthday. Bumpy days may follow, but the first quarter phase with the moon in Libra and the sun in Cancer presents a near-perfect problem-solving duo. The full moon on July 14 is both intense and communicative and highlights you and your personal partnership, perfect for celebrating and closing off your birthday month.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

A quiet month, or at least an introspective one, involving personal and private time out of the public eye. It may provide a much-needed opportunity to clear your desk and complete tasks that only you can do, or a chance to prepare for something you will launch soon. If you’re so inclined, it’s the perfect time to delve deeper into your inner self and embark on a personal spiritual journey. Your ruler, the magnanimous sun, is linked to bountiful Jupiter at the beginning of the month, so watch for excess, especially with Neptune/illusion in the mix. Keep things “real” and avoid being swept up in impractical dreams. In the second half of the month, the sun links with Uranus, Pluto and Mercury, making the impossible workable. The unsolvable will be solved as the month concludes.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A no-nonsense month, with the focus on career and the mode serious. There is real intent to get the job done. After June 28, you have diligent Saturn on your team with no impediment, and Mercury in a good space, which makes communication easy and straightforward. It’s the right time to make headway on a specific project or simply keep the wheels turning smoothly. The new moon on June 29 highlights friends, groups and associations and falls in the caring sign of Cancer. This will strengthen your resolve, especially if you work in health or any field where you are responsible for others’ wellbeing. Keeping your ideas realistic, and be aware that sometimes combining with others will strengthen rather than weaken your intent.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The steady beginning of the month changes quickly as Venus jumps from practical, solid Taurus to flirty, flighty Gemini and the focus shifts from the deep and meaningful to more lofty aspirations. Overseas travel or connections come into play, but expect plans to be thwarted until June 26, compliments of Saturn/control and Pluto/power. On June 27, Venus and Jupiter come together in a joyous combination so enjoy the ride, as it will be social, fun and a little excessive. The new moon on June 29 brings a boost to your career or public face, and Saturn in constructive mode will continue the good vibes from July 7 until after the month’s end. Keep your feet on the ground and your expectations reasonable. The mood becomes more mellow as the month closes.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22)

Mars and Pluto, your two powerful rulers, are in a tense stand-off for most of the month, with the focus split between communication and daily routine. This will put you into a supercharged mode. Although it could see you achieve the impossible, be mindful that the pressure could also put unnecessary stress on both your personal and professional relationships. On July 4, the stabilising hand of Saturn eases the tension, and the results of your hard work will show themselves. On July 14, the Cancer/Capricorn full moon will bring the reward your perseverance and strength deserve. It also highlights communication, so it will clear the air and glide you into a rewarding end to a challenging month.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

A good month to remember that “less is more”. Your expansive ruler, Jupiter, confident in fiery Aries and boosted by good vibes from mischievous Mercury, puts the focus on all forms of speculation, but it’s time to note the red flag! Proceed with caution in all things speculative, especially around the new moon on June 29. If money is involved, step back and take advice from a professional. It’s time to declutter your “to do” list and prioritise important things, as this way you won’t promise what you can’t deliver. On July 14, the full moon will reduce the pressure and mountains will dissolve into molehills. Don’t try to fill the void. Instead, enjoy the peace and concentrate on the relationships with the important people in your life. Leave the big-picture problems to others.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Your stoic ruler Saturn has moved into annual retrograde mode. The downside is that things slow down and you will experience frustrating hold-ups, but on the plus side, the chance to correct or redo will ultimately work in your favour. From the beginning of the solar month until early July, Saturn is well-connected to Mercury/communication and Mars/ action. This means things will flow well and you will achieve more than you expected. From July 7 to month’s end, Venus and Saturn link harmoniously, creating a congenial atmosphere that is great for all relating, but particularly good for business interaction. The full moon on July 14 is intense and special, as it brings a reminder of the importance of good communication with those close to you.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

The backdrop to this month and those subsequent is that Saturn and Uranus, your rulers old and new, are challenging each other. Expect a niggly pressure to break away from the status quo, but go with it. You will make changes when you are ready. Otherwise, it’s a congenial month, especially after June 26. Saturn and Mars are in good aspect until July 5. It’s the perfect time to achieve things in a smooth, controlled manner, so push the advantage. On July 5, Saturn links up with Venus, the lovely lady of relating, which creates a pleasant atmosphere that’s especially good for business or work- related interaction. On June 29, the new moon will bring a super-boost to work, then on July 14, the full moon will bring a sense of completion and personal satisfaction.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your two rulers may be in different signs, with traditional Jupiter in fast and furious Aries and modern Neptune in super-tolerant Pisces, but good planetary connections to Venus, the lady of love and beauty, and Mercury, the super communicator, mean you will get the best of both worlds. Take care with spending, but otherwise it’s plain sailing until the new moon on June 29 when the spotlight is on all things creative. It’s a good time to push forward with any plans, and even better if they show your creative flair. From July 5-8, both Neptune and Jupiter will up the ante, and more pressure will achieve greater results. On July 14, the full moon brings a reminder that friendship needs two-way participation, so don’t isolate.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A spirited start to the month, with the focus on you, your career and your friends. There’s some feisty action around work, and even some none-too-subtle power play. Hold your course, because responsible Saturn, in co-operative mode, and your assertive ruler Mars are well-connected, and they have your back. On June 29, the new moon diverts the energy to the home front and family. Enjoy it, because it’s transitory. On July 5, Mars moves into solid, dependable Taurus, and the focus shifts to finance and money. With pesky Pluto rattling his cage, you should be circumspect spending until after July 14 when Pluto backs away and the full moon brings much-needed balance. Mars teams up with unpredictable but brilliant Uranus just before month’s end. Be ready – there are exciting times ahead.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

A smooth start to the Cancer solar month changes rapidly when your lovely ruler Venus moves from steady Taurus to lively, agile Gemini and the focus moves to finance and money. Be cautious, because with persuasive Pluto nudging Venus, the temptation to overspend is huge – but it is transitory! On June 29, the new moon highlights communication, so clear your desk, write that report or make contact with those you know you should. On July 7, Venus links up with realistic Saturn and idealistic Neptune. It’s a challenging combination but a very creative one, so stay in charge and make the most of it. On July 14, the new moon will bring a sense of completion, then on July 18, the theme changes again as Venus moves into gentle, caring Cancer, ending a lively month on a passive note.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

It’s a month of two halves. There’s a sparkling start, with ruler Mercury happy in its own sign, and supported by wise Jupiter. This is supercharged “mind” time, so you will be at your brilliant best, sharp and primed for any creative thinking or mind games. Saturn/structure and Neptune/imagination connect with Mercury on June 29 when the new moon will boost and stabilise you in equal measure. Be prepared to adjust or compromise your plans around July 1, thanks to the powerhouse Pluto. Mercury moves into Cancer on July 6, so the excitement and buzz morph into steady progress and the focus shifts to money matters, both making and spending. Be cautious but not frugal. Together, the sun and Mercury guide an interesting month to a satisfactory close.