April energy forecast

Written by: Gaia Chinniah
Gaia Chinniah is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy. Using the energetic cycles and seasons to set your goals, heal and manifest what you want in life is such a powerful tool to help us to navigate life daily without resistance. To use this April Energy Forecast, review once in its entirety and then at the beginning and end of each week remind yourself what the energy of the week is asking of you.
WEEK ONE: April 1 – 7
On April 1 we go into Mercury Retrograde and this is a time of re-evaluation, reviewing and being conscious in how we communicate. It is not a time to be worried but a time to use effectively in how we can be more balanced and, in some way, less dependent on others for our finances and the things we wish to do.
There can be delays during Mercury Retrograde, but it is only because the energy wants us to take our time and be sure of our next steps. Surround yourself with positive people as there is a feeling of being comfortable just as you are. We have Easter Monday bringing in an energy of resurrecting ourselves. There will be a balance of doing what is necessary and also doing it from a place of needing to be unapologetically you. See the bigger picture; you will have new thoughts and perhaps change your mind about something you thought you wanted and that is ok! This is what this time of reflection is about.

Card of the week: Opposites
The opposites card comes up as this week there is a polarity of doing things and allowing delays to give you time rather than holding you back. Work with the polarity of being independent but also being around people that lift you up. The push and pull will take you to where you need to go.
WEEK TWO: April 8 – 14
We have Buddhas birthday this week and there is a theme of really knowing yourself, it terms of both what you want and need. Coming back to yourself will require some time allocation to recuperate and feel grounded but you are restoring your power. Lessons from the past might come up with the energy of the solar eclipse but the acknowledgement and awareness of this will help you prioritise what’s important to you. Be adaptable this week. Loyalty comes in also; you may find yourself speaking up for others and really seeing if your power is real. This means your beliefs will be tested and you may find yourself following through with things and acting on them rather than just thoughts. Loyalty will also be tested in terms of who and what you are loyal to – is it to a higher purpose or to someone because they are fulfilling a need or from a place of fear?

There is a sacred energy that is asking you to look at what is important to you. Who and what you are holding as sacred?
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries April 8
New moons are usually to set intentions, but this moon phase comes with a solar eclipse and whilst mercury is in retrograde. This means it’s time to revise things and not feel rushed in having to complete or start things. This moon phase can be used to have a renewed focus on what you know you want. It is all up for review!
WEEK THREE: April 15 – 21
Independence is the theme of the week. Check in on your emotions and do some soul searching. Enjoy what time you can have to yourself. The mind wants to be reset and have a sense of weightlessness to help you create space for more abundance. There is a door that will open for you, not necessarily a new one but one you have been waiting for and it will require walking through it with the confidence but naivety of a child with wonder and a mind that hasn’t been tainted with fear. It will be safe to walk through and be present as there is a sense of excitement in the unknown.

There is spiritual growth in leaps and bounds this week and miracles that can only explained as a phenomenon that has been orchestrated not on earth.
WEEK FOUR: April 22 – 30
It is Earth Day on the 22nd which is a great time to look at how we are treating our home and also Mercury Retrograde comes to an end on the 24th which should bring a sense of lightness and clarity. There will be some special interventions and encounters that will carry forward from last week which will help you feel more confident that you are on the right path. If you feel like you are doing everything on your own, seek help but also remember that there has been a theme of independence and independence is best to come from a place of being empowered rather than as a victim. Your skills will give you strength and you may need to give a project your full attention to ensure its success.

There is progress being made on a deep level of being who you are and fulfilling part of your soul purpose. These can be testing experiences but one with great reward once we are through.
Full Moon in Scorpio – April 23
A mystical and potentially moody full moon in order for you to dig into the depths of your wounds. A great release of what doesn’t serve and coming back to what and who is most important. There is no messing around this full moon, it will lead you towards more depth. Lean into your feelings.
April is a month of re-evaluation and independence. There is a need to focus on projects at hand and not really start anything new but to look at what you offer. With this knowledge you have the ability to progress through to May feeling like you are gaining traction and really conscious about what you are doing and why. It is ok to change your mind about things! Lean into what you really want. Life is too short to be living loyal to things that are not loyal to you!